Goal 2: Student Success
We will provide experiences that enrich academic, co-curricular and career goals.
Objective 1: Enhance and promote our safe and healthy campus community.
- Develop a systematic way to identify where students are employed after graduation to obtain feedback that will inform program validity and improvement.
- Use the Academic Program Needs Assessment model effectively to guide resource reallocation decisions.
- Conduct environmental scans annually to inform program strategic planning.
- Evaluate opportunities to infuse career planning, job search and readiness into program curriculum using institutional resources.
- Expand and enhance experiential program to prepare students for workforce by effectively using on- and off-campus resources
Key Strategies:
- Maintain and enhance current student programs and activities to ensure that they promote healthy lifestyles.
- Conduct an annual systematic review and communication of emergency, health and safety information.
- Increase police officer visibility and campus community connections.
- Educate, train and support faculty and staff with regard to identifying and reporting students who are of concern or in crisis in a timely and appropriate manner.
Objective 2: Promote global awareness and inclusion.
Key Strategies:
Objective 3: Create and sustain a culture that supports and respects a diverse student population in their intellectual growth and completion of a degree.
Key Strategies:
Enhance current and build new partnerships and collaborations between various campus entities in order to provide efficient, wraparound support.
Develop and implement an online reporting and feedback system to identify and resolve campus access issues for students with disabilities.
Review and implement the Internationalizing the Campus Strategic Plan to enhance current programs to support international students and scholars.
Objective 4: Strengthen student programming and wellness activities.
Key Strategies:
Increase the number and variety of recreational opportunities for students that enhance their educational and personal experiences.
Develop and schedule programming on critical campus safety and wellness topics.
Utilize an internal advisory board to create, implement and support new student co-curricular programming opportunities.
Objective 5: Improve residential housing options and experiences.
Key Strategies:
Identify and implement standards of excellence for housing staff and facilities.
Enhance housing staff training and student staff compensation.
Create and implement a clear and focused replacement plan for furnishings and equipment.
Assess and address student satisfaction with the campus residential experience.
Objective 6: Strengthen the collaboration between Academic Affairs and Student Success.
Key Strategies:
Establish an internal advisory board to create, implement and support new student co-curricular programming opportunities.
Institutionally support collaborative programming built on proven models and/or examples.
Identify strategies to support students staying/working on campus.
Objective 7: Produce knowledgeable graduates prepared for the workforce, advanced careers and professional education.
Key Strategies:
Update student hiring practices and ensure that work study/graduate assistant/internship opportunities provide students with real-world experiences in situations that develop soft skills.
Create and implement learning outcomes for student workers.
Objective 8: Assist students as they transition from postsecondary education into the workforce or graduate education.
Key Strategies:
Develop a formalized college- and discipline-based career/graduate school mentoring program for students.
Explore and systematically implement opportunities to incorporate transition activities/experiences into academic programs.
Explore tools and strategies to connect students to programs/careers.
Objective 9: Enhance the awareness and support of MSU Athletics.
Key Strategies:
Develop new promotional programs to encourage participation in athletic events.
Host pre-game activities for alumni and friends in appropriate locations.
Conduct targeted fundraising appeals for athletics.
Student Success: Key Performance Measures
Results from the NSSE Engagement Indicator of Learning with Peers, which includes collaborative learning and discussions with diverse others
Number of total degrees awarded
Number of bachelor’s degrees
Number of master’s degrees
Number of doctoral degrees
Number of STEM+H degrees
Number of credits to degree
Student satisfaction with residential experience, student life programming and services, co-curricular academic activities, etc.