Marking System and Scholastic Points

The evaluation of the academic work of undergraduate students is indicated by letters as follows:

A Excellent — Valued at four quality points per semester hour.
B Good — Valued at three quality points per semester hour.
C Average — Valued at two quality points per semester hour.
D Below average — Valued at one quality point per semester hour.
E Failure — No semester hours earned and no quality points. This grade is given to a student who completed the course and earned a failing grade.
I Incomplete — Given only when a student has completed all but a small amount of course work due to illness or other significant extenuating circumstances (refer to UAR 108). Incompletes must be made up by midterm the following semester (summer term excluded). If course requirements are not completed by midterm of the following semester, the "I" grade becomes a failing grade. Instructors must file an Incomplete Grade Form in the College Dean's office. When entering a grade of "I" for the term, you must enter an expiration date. The expiration date for the Spring Term is October 15 and March 15 for Fall Term.
IP In progress — May only be assigned to 670 (Directed Research), 699 (Thesis) or 676 (Directed Study) Courses.
K Credit, pass-fail course — Semester hours earned; no quality points; not computed in GPA. This grade is given when a student passes a pass-fail course.
N Failure, pass-fail course — No quality points; computed in GPA and used in undergraduate grading only .
P Withdrew from school passing — Not computed in GPA.
F Withdrew from school failing — Computed in GPA as credits attempted.
R Course repeated — Replaces original grade for repeated course; not computed in GPA.
Unofficial withdrawal — Computed as credits attempted; computed as zero quality points in GPA calculation. Given to a student who stopped attending the course, did not complete the course and did not officially withdraw from the course.
W Withdrew officially — No hours attempted; not computed in GPA.
WY Withdrawal from audit class — Not computed in GPA.
Y Audit credit — No hours attempted; not computed in GPA; not applicable to degree program.

Note: The grades K and N are restricted to students who opt to take a course with a pass-fail option. The pass-fail option is restricted and applicable only to free elective courses or specific courses identified for a major or minor used for competency evaluation (i.e., those courses not required for the area, major, minor or general education requirements).