Developmental Education Requirements

Developmental courses help many MSU freshmen succeed by providing preparatory classes in writing, mathematics, and reading. Students with ACT subscores below 18 in English, 19 in mathematics or 20 in reading must take one or more of these preparatory classes. These requirements are based on the Kentucky College Readiness Standards. Any student who scores below the readiness standards will be required to take a placement test in each area of need before the first day of classes. Information about placement testing is available through the MSU Testing Center, or at

Incoming students who have two or more developmental course needs are encouraged to enroll in the Success Academy during the summer prior to their first academic year.

Students required to enroll in developmental classes must:

  1. Earn a grade of "C" or better in required developmental courses.
  2. Complete developmental requirements within the first 30-credit hours. Students who do not complete all developmental requirements within the first 30 credit hours must complete the required course(s) before enrolling in additional college-level courses or obtain a letter of exception from University College.
  3. Not drop developmental courses without the approval of both the advisor and University College.
  4. Be aware that developmental courses are numbered below 100 and do not count toward the total hours needed for degree completion. However, the credit hours count toward full-time status each semester, and the grades are included in calculating GPA.

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