Rank I in Educational Technology with Instructional Computer Technology Endorsement

This program is designed to prepare teachers to become instructional leaders in the area of technology integration in P-16 curriculum and instructional design. Teachers completing this Rank I program with the instructional computer technology endorsement will receive training in the areas of instructional technology and design based on best practices in instructional computer technology as well as state and national standards. This program will support the efforts of teachers who are interested in integrating technology into their instruction and are interested in providing instructional technology and instructional design leadership within their schools and districts.

Admission Requirements

  1. Must hold a master's degree from an accredited college or university or have completed a fifth-year program.
  2. Valid teaching certificate or statement of eligibility.
  3. Student must have a 3.0 GPA on all graduate course work.
  4. Demonstrated competency of computer fluency (i.e. undergraduate or graduate computer competency course or computer competency assessment).

Rank I Program Requirements


EDTC 611Introduction to Research and Grant Writing


EDTC 621Technology for the 21st Century Teacher


EDTC 628Technology, Education and Culture


EDTC 680Introduction to Instructional Design and Technology


Total Credit Hours:12

General Electives

Any 600-level or higher courses, including 600 or higher EDTC courses; or to be chosen from the following courses in consultation with the assigned advisor:

EDIL 619Technology and Best Practices for School Improvement



EDSE 616Educational Computing


EDTC 625Assistive Technology


EDTC 644Multimedia Design for the Classroom


EDTC 681Individualized Learning Systems


EDTC 685Principles of Distance Education Delivery


EDTC 688Educational Gaming and Simulation


CIS 634Management of Telecommunications and Networking


CIS 650Innovation, Technology and Organizational Change


Total Credit Hours:18

(A minimum of 60 graduate hours including the master's degree or fifth-year)

Additional Requirements for the Rank I

  1. The program must be planned with the student's advisor at the beginning of the program.
  2. A minimum of 60 approved graduate credits including a master's degree or 30 approved graduate credits in addition to a Rank II.
  3. A GPA of 3.0 or better in all work offered for the program. No credit is accepted on grades lower than "C."
  4. Up to nine semester hours may be earned at another accredited institution and transferred to this program with approval.
  5. Credit earned by correspondence shall not apply toward the Rank I program.
  6. The student must meet University exit assessment criteria.
  7. Must meet additional requirements of specific program:
    1. All graduate students pursuing this program must maintain a 3.0 graduate GPA. Students falling below a 3.0 will be placed on a one-semester period of probation. Students failing to achieve a graduate GPA of at least 3.0 at the end of the probation semester will be dropped from their respective programs. Any student who receives grades of "C" in more than two courses will be immediately dropped from his/her respective program.
    2. Satisfactorily complete all course work and classes as required and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Assessment Procedures

The student must submit a professional portfolio demonstrating work completed within the program during the final semester of graduate work.

Professional Portfolio: The professional portfolio will encompass projects completed in the program showing mastery of the educational technology and instructional design skills developed within the program. The portfolio must be submitted by the student to their advisor by the scheduled due date. Students should arrange to complete the professional portfolio prior to the end of the semester in which they plan to complete the degree.