World Languages and Literatures

Introduction & Overview

As our world grows more connected, learning another language is the ticket to traversing boundaries, understanding other peoples and cultures, and becoming knowledgeable world citizens. Creating leaders for the global community is part of the fabric of a Manhattanville education and learning a second language is an important part of that journey. Mastery of another language also opens doors to careers in education, finance, government, journalism, law, media, marketing, and more.

Knowledge of a second language at least up to the introductory level is part of the General Education curriculum at Manhattanville College. Beyond the introductory level, we offer intermediate and advanced level courses in language, literature and culture. Language instruction is available in Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish. Students can major in French or Spanish, and minor in French, German, Italian, and Spanish. We offer two years of Japanese language instruction and Chinese is available through a cross-registration program with nearby Purchase College. Japanese and Chinese courses can count toward a major or minor in Asian Studies

In addition to classroom instruction, there are a variety of extra-curricular activities and events to engage students in active use of the language and to help them deepen their knowledge and appreciation of the world’s languages and cultures. These include guest lectures, language tables, language clubs, an annual international film festival, a languages holiday party in December, and study trips to New York City and neighboring towns. Students studying languages beyond the introductory level are encouraged to study abroad for a summer or an academic semester.

Program Director

Maria Jose Lujan, 914.323.5190,


Language Coordinators

Binita Mehta - French

Alessandro Daniele - Italian

Maria Jose Lujan - Spanish