Registration Requirements & Online Student Resources

Manhattanville College provides all students with a full array of online services through the College’s Student Planning/WebAdvisor system.  Student Planning/WebAdvisor are available 24 hours a day on and off campus and is accessible on the College website by visiting the “MyMville” link button. Students access Student Planning/WebAdvisor to register and drop classes, view schedules and grades, communicate with advisors, order transcripts, and access financial aid and tuition bill information.

Registration for our main Fall and Spring terms opens online as per the dates published on the Academic Calendar. Online access appointments are assigned to students. Online access appointments are visible on  Student Planning/WebAdvisor, emailed to students and are available on a schedule on the Registrar’s Office website.

  • Undergraduates: Undergraduates may use Student Planning to drop most courses from their schedules. However, they cannot remove every section. If an undergraduate will not be attending Manhattanville College after starting registration for an upcoming term, they must contact the Office of Academic Advising. After appropriate forms are submitted, Academic Advising will contact the Registrar’s office to remove all courses from the registration.
  • Graduate & Doctoral Students: These students may use WebAdvisor to drop ALL courses from their schedule before an upcoming term begins. If a graduate or doctoral student will not be attending Manhattanville College, they must remove all courses from their registration and contact their advisor or appropriate program office to alert them of their intention not to attend.

NOTE: Registered courses are NOT REMOVED AUTOMATICALLY from a student’s schedule if they decide not to attend Manhattanville College. Please follow the course drop instructions above. You will be held liable for tuition charges and fees for classes that remain on your registration after a term begins.

All students, including those planning to take music lessons, write senior papers or complete comprehensive examinations, independent studies or internships, must register before each fall and spring semester, each summer session and intersession. A pre-registration period for undergraduates is held during each preceding semester for scheduling convenience. Note that space availability is sometimes limited for classes and that pre-registration is strongly advised. Students can register on the web.

The College has a cooperative arrangement with the State University of New York at Purchase which allows undergraduate students to cross-register for certain courses and to use the specialized library holdings (with the approval of the academic advisor and Academic Advising Office.)

Registration Conditions

Manhattanville College reserves the right to make changes at any time in admission requirements, fees, charges, tuition, regulations and academic programs, if deemed necessary, prior to the start of any class. The College also reserves the right to divide, cancel, reschedule classes or reassign instructors if enrollment or other factors require. If course cancelations occur, students will be notified in order to adjust their schedules. Places in limited enrollment courses cannot be held after classes begin. An instructor has the right to notify the Registrar’s Office to admit someone else to a limited enrollment course if a student fails to attend the first class meeting.

Attendance Policy

Students are required to check their course syllabus and must follow the attendance policy stated therein to avoid penalty that could include failing or being dropped from the class.

Attending class is vital to academic success. Accordingly, Manhattanville College expects attendance and punctuality at all classes. Students are expected to accept personal responsibility for any absences, and will be held responsible for all course content, requirements, and assignments, whether or not they are present in class. Individual instructors may establish course attendance policies, including penalties for absences and lateness. The responsibility for explaining and/or documenting individual absences rests with the student, who must understand that instructors are not obligated to grant requests for make-up or supplementary work.

Student Statuses by Credit

The following is a list of student statuses by credit:

Undergraduate Students are considered full-time when they are enrolled in 12 credit hours or more. Undergraduates registered for a total of 6 credit hours are considered half-time, below 6 credit hours is considered part-time.

Graduate students (MA, MFA, SOED students, MS non-module students) are considered full-time when they are enrolled in 9 credit hours or more. Graduate students registered for 5 credit hours are considered half-time, below 5 credit hours is considered part-time.

Graduate students in the MS Module programs are considered full-time when they are enrolled in 6 credit hours or more. Graduate students in the MS Module programs are considered half-time when they are enrolled in 3 credit hours, below 3 credit hours is considered part-time.

Doctoral students As of January 2014, Doctoral students are considered full-time when they are enrolled in 6 credit hours or more or are enrolled in EDAD 8190 for two credit hours. Doctoral students are considered half-time when they are enrolled in 3 credit hours or are enrolled in EDAD 8190 for 1 credit hour, below 3 credit hours is considered part-time.