MSIM5006 Managing Global Corporate Processes and Projects

Explores how successful international companies manage corporate processes in finance, marketing, manufacturing (including global logistics) and human resources across borders. Includes issues of transfer pricing, product development, and the autonomy granted subsidiaries. Appropriate levels of integration and autonomy are discussed and as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various global approaches firms need to attain operational efficiency. Attention is also given to managing complex projects in a global context, with focus on project planning, monitoring and control. Through a combination of intensive case studies, contemporary assigned reading, in-­-class lectures, interactive discussion and student projects the students explore the various business processes, strategic actions and responses developed and implemented in meeting the challenges firms face when operating globally. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be expected to have develop a functional understanding of the concepts, processes, frameworks and theories of transnational management; to understand how transnational management functions are impacted by the role of government, economic policies, technological challenges and cultural practices; to develop a working knowledge of the issues and challenges facing multinational enterprise investment and operational activities in global economies.
