Information Center

Service Desk

The Service Desk located in Fort McIntosh Campus, at the Kazen Student Center 2nd floor Room 214 and South Campus in the William “Billy” Hall Student Center 2nd floor Room A225 they serve as information and referral centers.  A list of current campus events is kept in order to facilitate inquiries. Employees and Students ID cards are issued from these offices.  Any literature to be posted on Campus Boards must be processed and approved through the Office of Student Life.  These offices also serve as the campuses official Lost & Found Centers.  For information, call (956) 721.5179 Fort McIntosh Campus or (956) 794.4178 South Campus.

Lost and Found Center

All articles found on the LC campuses should be turned in to the Service Desks at either campuses or to the LC Campus Police. Items may be claimed by checking with these offices. If books or other items with identification are turned in, the Service Desks will make an attempt to contact the student. Items will only be kept for one semester after that they will be disposed of.