2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

General Education Requirements

All undergraduate degree programs at Kean have a General Education (GE) component. Through GE coursework, students in all majors have common educational experiences and opportunities to acquire and develop the skills, habits of mind, and values associated with a broad liberal arts and sciences education to support students in their pursuit of an academic major and career.

The General Education Program features: (1) a vertical structure intended to bring students progressively to higher levels of proficiency, competence, and understanding; (2) connections within and between disciplines and opportunities for students to pursue interests in interdisciplinary areas; (3) courses that provide on-going values and skills development along with content; and (4) courses that provide multicultural and global perspectives.

Through the General Education Program students will learn to integrate knowledge and methods to address historical and contemporary questions. The General Education Program will develop habits of mind including proficiency in communication in both oral and written forms, quantitative literacy, critical thinking, and information and technology literacies.

The General Education Program will instill students with a distinct set of values. These values include ethical judgment and integrity, active citizenship and diversity.

Appropriate in rigor and content, the General Education Program at Kean will build a diverse community of learners consistent with the University’s mission and the following student learning outcomes of Kean University:

  1. Think critically, creatively, and globally (KU1);
  2. Adapt to changing social, economic, and technological environments (KU2);
  3. Serve as active contributing members of their communities (KU3); and
  4. Advance their knowledge in the traditional disciplines, general education and enhance their skills in professional areas (KU4).

And the following General Education student learning outcomes (aligned with Kean University student learning outcomes)

Student Learning Outcomes

Content (Liberal Arts)

  1. Transdisciplinarity (KU4)

    The ability to integrate knowledge and methods from different fields to address historical or contemporary questions.

    Building Habits of Mind

  2. Critical Thinking (KU1)

    The ability to utilize reflective analysis to draw informed conclusions.

  3. Quantitative Literacy (KU1)

    The ability to utilize numerical data accurately and effectively to address real world problems.

  4. Communication Literacies (KU1)

    The ability to speak and write effectively to convey an evidence-based argument.

  5. Information and Technology Literacies (KU2)

    The ability to utilize information and communications technology critically and effectively in a rapidly changing world.


  6. Active Citizenship (KU3)

    A commitment to lifelong civic engagement at a local, national and/or global level.

  7. Ethical Judgment and Integrity (KU3)

    The ability to draw responsible conclusions from ethical questions to guide personal conduct.

  8. Diversity (KU3)

    A commitment to promote inclusivity in a diverse world.

General Education Program Structure

Kean’s GE Program has three major components:

  • The Foundations Requirements (13 credits)
  • The Disciplinary/Interdisciplinary Distribution Requirements (typically 30-32 credits for B.A. degree programs and 19 credits for B.S., B.M., B.F.A., and B.I.D. degrees) and
  • The Capstone (3 credits)

GE Foundations Course Requirements

All students must complete the following Foundations courses:

  • Transition to Kean/or Transfer Transitions
  • College Composition (offered in different formats)
  • A college-level math course (as specified by the major)
  • Speech Communication as Critical Citizenship
  • Research and Technology (offered in college-based versions)

GE Disciplinary/Interdisciplinary Distribution Course Requirements

Students are required to take a specified number of credits (typically 30-32 credits for B.A. degrees and 19 credits for B.S., B.M., B.F.A., and B.I.D. degrees) in the areas described in more detail below, i.e., in the Humanities (GEHU), Social Sciences (GESS), Science & Mathematics (GESM), and (for B.A. degrees only) Health/Physical Education (GEHPE). Please note: except for the one-credit P. E. courses and the four-credit science courses, all other courses in this area must be three credits. For additional information see the School of General Studies section in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Only approved courses will fulfill GE requirements. These are listed in the School of General Studies section. Many majors will indicate (on the major guidesheet and program evaluation) specific Disciplinary/ Interdisciplinary distribution courses their students must take.

For B.A.Degree Programs

  • To fulfill their Humanities requirements, students will complete three courses, One of these courses must be ENG 2403 (World Literature). The remaining two courses must come from two of the following five areas: Visual Arts/Fine Arts/Art History, Philosophy/Religion, Foreign Languages, Performing Arts/Music/Theatre, or Interdisciplinary (only specifically approved ID courses fulfill this requirement).
  • To fulfill their Social Sciences requirements, students will complete three courses, one of which must be HIST 1062. The remaining two approved courses must be selected from the following five areas: Psychology, Economics/Geography, Political Science, Sociology/Anthropology, or Interdisciplinary (only specifically approved ID courses fulfill this requirement).
  • To fulfill their Science & Mathematics requirements, students will complete three approved courses. One must be a mathematics or computer science class. The other two must come from the following four areas: Biology, Chemistry/Physics, Astronomy/Earth Science/Geology/Meteorology, or Interdisciplinary (only specifically approved ID courses fulfill this requirement). One of these two courses must be a laboratory-based science course.

For B.S., B.M., B.F.A., and B.I.D. Degrees

  • To fulfill their Humanities requirements, students will complete two courses, one of which must be ENG 2403 (World Literature). The remaining course must be an approved course from one of the following five areas: Visual Arts/Fine Arts/Art History, Philosophy/Religion, Foreign Languages, Performing Arts/Music/Theatre, or Interdisciplinary (only specifically approved ID courses fulfill this requirement).
  • To fulfill their Social Sciences requirements, students will complete two courses, one of which must be HIST 1062 (Worlds of History: Traditions and Encounters). The remaining course must be approved courses from one of the following five areas: Psychology, Economics/Geography, Political Science, Sociology/Anthropology, or Interdisciplinary.
  • To fulfill their Science & Mathematics requirements, students will complete seven credits, taking one approved mathematics or computer science course and one approved laboratory-based science course.

GE Capstone Requirement

A three-credit GE Capstone experience (as determined by each major academic program) is required of all students. In the Capstone, students will complete projects using the skills developed through the GE Program to demonstrate mastery of their major content. Successful completion of the project in the Capstone course will demonstrate that students are active learners who have accumulated knowledge of the liberal arts and sciences, have reached an advanced level of skill proficiencies, can collaborate effectively, and can apply knowledge to the achievement of tasks and the solution of problems.

GE 1000/3000 Requirement

All undergraduate students must satisfy this University requirement for graduation by successfully completing one of the following courses at Kean University: GE 1000 Transition to Kean (all freshmen and transfers entering with 0-29 credits) or GE 3000 Transfer Transitions (transfers entering with 30 credits or more).