2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Office of Student Success and Retention

Contact information:

Location: CAS 123



The mission of the Office of Student Success and Retention (OSS&R) is to provide leadership for the University’s retention efforts by engaging at-risk students and teaching them the skills and dispositions needed for success. OSS&R is committed to creating a sustainable culture of active engagement of students, especially those that have demonstrated academic need.

OSS&R will encourage a culture that is student-centered, one that facilitates and celebrates individual success. We will advance models, practices and policies that improve degree completion and persistence. OSS&R will lead University training efforts to engage at-risk students. Finally, OSS&R is dedicated to advancing a culture of assessment by engaging in data-driven activities. The targeted groups include: first year (freshman) students, undecided/undeclared students, students on academic probation, special admitted populations of students, and students reinstated from academic dismissal. Some of the services offered by this division include:

Administering and Convening the University Academic Dismissal Appeals Committee: This committee, which has faculty representation from each college, along with student representation, evaluates student appeals, and makes recommendations to the appropriate dean regarding students’ dismissal. The final decision on reinstatement is made by the appropriate college dean. The centralization of this function and its coordination with academic advisement, tutoring, and learning support services, will enhance reinstated students’ chances for success. For more information contact Mrs. Jean Brown, brownj@kean.edu, 908-737-0311.

Counseling of Students on Academic Probation and Reinstated from Academic Dismissal: Intensive counseling/mentoring and other assistance is provided to reinstated students through the Step-it-Up Program for students on academic probation or reinstated from academic dismissal.