2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Thesis Option – ID 5800/5801

The thesis option (ID 5800/ID 5801) may be taken in some programs, with permission of the program coordinator, in lieu of the Advanced Seminar. Students considering completion of a graduate thesis must have successfully completed 21 graduate credits in their program with a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Students must also possess a strong background in re-search methodology and writing, extensive knowledge of the field in which the work is to be undertaken, and a clear concept of the problem to be investigated. Prior approval must be obtained from the program coordinator as well as the con-sent of the graduate faculty member who will serve as sponsor, along with final approval of the appropriate College Dean. The approved application must be filed with the Office of the Registrar prior to registration for the thesis. Completion of the thesis may require six credits, which may be taken over a two semester sequence (registration for ID 5800 is required each semester), or in one semester (ID 5801).