2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Class Syllabus: Communication of Course Requirements to Students

Instructors are required to communicate to students in writing at the start of the semester essential information about the course.

The required syllabus templates are available to instructors via the following link:


  1. At a minimum, a class syllabus includes:
  2. Course name, number, section
  3. Semester
  4. Instructor contact information, including phone number, e-mail address and faculty office location
  5. Faculty office hours (times/place)
  6. Prerequisites, if any, to the course (Students who have not met the required prerequisites should be asked to withdraw)
  7. Required textbooks
  8. Course objectives
  9. Outline of course content
  10. Course requirements, methods of evaluation, and the basis by which the final grade is derived
  11. Special features of the course e.g., field trips or visits to facilities off campus
  12. Academic deadlines e.g., the last day to withdraw and the last day to declare P/F op­tion
  13. Academic Integrity Policy (available at the Center for Academic Success or at http://www.kean.edu/admin/uploads/pdf/AcademicIntegrityPolicy.pdf
  14. Student Code of Conduct, as it discusses expectations of appropriate conduct in the classroom: http://www.kean.edu/KU/Code-of-Conduct
  15. Information on CampusAlert, the University’s emergency notification system (www.mir3.com/kean). Students are encouraged to register in the system in order to be informed of campus emergencies, weather notices and other announcements. Kean Ocean students should follow the Ocean County College webpage and notification system for campus emergencies and weather notices.
  16. All students must have a valid Kean email account. For those who do not already have one, forms are available on-line at http://www.kean.edu/KU/Forms-OCIS; click on E-mail Account Request Form.

The course syllabus is a contract between the faculty member and the student. Changes in course requirements made after the start of the semester should also be communicated in writing to students. Students, in turn, are responsible for meeting the requirements of the course as delineated in the syllabus and for requesting clarification from the instructor on items not clear in the syllabus. Students who experience difficulty in meeting course requirements should discuss their situation with the instructor and seek help. For more information about the course syllabus, please go to http://syllabus.kean.edu or contact your program’s Executive Director, Chairperson, or Dean’s Office.