2014-2015 Graduate Bulletin

Article VIII: Referenda

Section 1–Amendments to the Charter

  1. Any proposed amendment to this Charter must be introduced to a regular monthly meeting of the Student Council. Both members and non-members of the Student Council can introduce a proposed amendment to this Charter. Non-members of Student Council must present a petition with 100 signatures verified by the Office of Student Life to the Student Council President in order to be added to the agenda of a regular month meeting.
  2. The Student Council may vote upon this amendment at its next regular monthly meeting, provided that due notice has been given to all members of the Student Council and the student body.
  3. If two-thirds of the qualifying membership of the Student Council shall so agree, the amendment will be submitted to the Student Activities Association Board of Directors for approval.
  4. If the Student Activities Board of Directors approves the amendments, petitions will be developed in consultation with the Office of Student Life. Petitions will be distributed to acquire ten percent of the student body enrolled at the time, containing the date of birth or a portion of the social security number, first name, last name, and signature. Petitions will be collected by the Office of Student Life and sent to the Office of Enrollment Management for written certification. Deadlines must be established to initiate petition distribution and collection.
  5. If ten percent of the student body enrolled at the time is certified on the petitions, then a proposition needs to be developed for the ballot in consultation with the Office of Student Life to reflect the written language established from the petitions certified by the Office of Enrollment Management.
  6. An amendment will be adopted if approved by fifty percent of the students voting in the referendum and will be sent to the President of the College for approval.

Section 2–Changing the Student Activity Fee

  1. According to the City University of New York Board of Trustees Bylaws Article XVI, Section 16.2:
A referendum proposing changes in the student activity fee shall be initiated by a petition of at least ten percent of the appropriate student body and voted upon in conjunction with student government elections.
  • Where a referendum seeks to earmark student activity fees for a specific purpose or organization without changing the total student activity fee, the results of the referendum shall be sent to the college association for implementation.
  • Where a referendum seeks to earmark student activity fees for a specific purpose or organization by changing the total student activity fee, the results of such referendum shall be sent to the board by the President of the College together with his/her recommendation.
  • At the initiation of a petition of at least ten percent of the appropriate student body, the College President may schedule a student referendum at a convenient time other than in conjunction with student government elections.
  • Where the referendum seeks to affect the use or amount of student activity fees in the college purposes fund, the results of the referendum shall be sent to the board by the College President together with his/her recommendation.
  1. The Financial Management Office of the Student Activities Association must first verify any proposed revenue and percentage breakdown adjustment that would change the total of the student activity fee.
  2. If approved, a meeting should take place with the Office of Student Life, the Vice President of Student Affairs or his her designee, and any other affected designees of the proposed fee to discuss petitions, marketing plans, and/or strategic plans that will be utilized for the proposed fee.
  3. All petitions must be developed in consultation with the Office of Student Life containing date of birth or a portion of the social security number, first name, last name, and signature. Deadlines must be established to initiate petition distribution and collection. Petitions will need at least ten percent of the student body enrolled at the time and will be collected by the office of Student Life and sent to the Office of Enrollment Management for written certification.
  4. If ten percent of the student body enrolled at the time is certified on the petitions, then a proposition for the proposed fee must be developed for the ballot in consultation with the Office of Student Life. Written language established in the petitions that were certified by the Office of Enrollment Management must be reflected on the ballot. Approval of a fee adjustment on a ballot will require a majority of the students voting in the referendum. Adopted fee changes will be sent to the President of the College for approval.

Section 3–Creating a New Governing Body

  1. Any proposed organization that would be similar in power to that of the Student Government would require a draft of a charter or constitution. Petitions will be required in the development of a new organization and such development needs the assistance of the Office of Student Life. All petitions should contain date of birth or a portion of the social security number, first name, last name, signature, and be distributed to acquire ten percent of the student body enrolled at the time and will be collected by the Office of Student Life and sent to the Office of Enrollment Management for written certification. Deadlines must be established to initiate petition distribution and collection.
  2. If ten (10) percent of the student body enrolled at the time is certified on the petitions, than a question or proposition can be developed for the ballot in consultation with the Office of Student Life. The written language established in the petitions certified by the Office of Enrollment Management must be reflected in the proposition on the ballot. Approval of an organization will require a majority of the students voting in the referendum. All adopted ballot questions or propositions will be sent to the President of the College for approval.