Decision for Promotion to Senior Librarian


Applications for promotion will be considered by a Promotion Review Committee.

  • The Promotion Review Committee will consist of two Elon librarians at the Associate or Senior Librarian rank, two post-probationary Librarians and a post-probationary member of the teaching faculty, appointed by the Provost/Executive Vice President. The teaching faculty member of the committee will serve a two-year term. Librarian committee members will be elected by their library faculty peers for terms of two years, with no more than two consecutive terms.
  • Committee members will be elected on a rotating basis: at the conclusion of each fiscal year, members who have completed their two-year term will rotate off the committee, while the other members will stay on for a second year, joined by newly elected members. Committee members will elect a chair who serves as convener.

The Committee will review the applications for promotion and make its recommendation(s) to the Provost/Executive Vice President

After the Provost/Executive Vice President has received the promotion recommendations from both the supervising Dean and the Promotion Review Committee, the Provost/Executive Vice President will call a joint meeting of the supervising Dean and the Promotion Review Committee to discuss the substance of the deliberations that led to their specific recommendations.

The Provost/Executive Vice President recommends promotion decisions to the President. The President of the University recommends promotion decisions for final approval to the Board of Trustees.