Recruitment of Full-Time Teaching Faculty


Chair (Or Chair’s Designee)


  1. Initiates position request to Dean following departmental consultation
  2. Works with Dean and department to define position and establish criteria for the evaluation of candidates
  3. Organizes and coordinates search committee
  4. Organizes preliminary reference calls
  5. Consults with department about final candidates
  6. Recommends to Dean candidates to visit campus
  7. Organizes candidate visits (with search committee chair)
  8. Conducts formal interview with candidates
  9. Supervises collection of supporting documents and makes them available to members of the department
  10. Confers with department regarding candidates and recommends final candidate to Dean. If Chair’s recommendation differs from the department’s, this information is shared with the department and Dean.
  11. Coordinates letters to inform candidates of status of the search
  12. Provides support to successful candidate (information about the area, housing, book orders, etc.)



  1. Requests authorization to advertise and salary from the Provost/Executive Vice President
  2. Authorizes timetable for search and EEO strategies
  3. Places ads within budgetary guidelines
  4. Approves candidate visits
  5. Conducts formal interview with candidates
  6. Makes reference calls for final candidates
  7. Initiates background check on final candidate through Human Resources
  8. Following consultation with Department Chair, approves final selection. This information is shared with the department.
  9. Completes negotiations and prepares contract specifications
  10. Supervises collection of documents for employee file
  11. Supervises collection of EEO-related information on applicants

Provost/Executive Vice President


  1. Authorizes recruitment expenditures for searches
  2. Verifies information submitted by Deans for preparation of Letters of Agreement and forwards information to Human Resources