Women’s, Gender, and Sexualities Studies Advisory Committee


Membership List Y34V.

Areas of Committee Concern

The Women’s, Gender, and Sexualities Studies (WGSS) Advisory Committee is concerned with all aspects of women’s, gender, and sexualities studies.


  • Coordinator of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexualities Studies Program, Chair.  Immediate Past-Chair remains on the committee for one year after his/her term ends.
  • Eight additional members, six of whom must be faculty/staff-with-faculty-rank, and two of whom must have taught in the WGSS program (required or elective courses)
  • One student WGSS minor, preferably one who also holds a leadership role in the Elon Feminists for Equality, Change, and Transformation (EFFECT) student organization
  • Two ex-officio, non-voting members to include the Director of the Gender and LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and Ally) Center and the Director of Inclusive Community Well-Being

Procedures and Policies

  • The appointed coordinator will serve a minimum four-year term on the committee; three as coordinator and one as a continuing member of the committee
  • The student member will serve a one-year term
  • All other members will serve two-year terms


  • To attend meetings regularly.
  • To advise the coordinator in planning course offerings in women’s, gender, and sexualities studies for the year
  • To advise the coordinator in evaluating and promoting study abroad opportunities for minors
  • To evaluate course proposals for women’s, gender, and sexualities studies courses and designate those that will carry WGSS credit
  • To plan activities for faculty development among those who teach women’s, gender, and sexualities studies courses and those who want to plan and propose courses
  • To assist minors in the program with finding mentors for internships and undergraduate research experiences
  • To advise and actively assist in planning co-curricular events for students and others