Your Responsibilities

The following are the student's responsibilities for seeking a degree and/or credit at DMC:

  • Prior to the appointment, think about your goals and reflect on previous academic progress. If you are currently enrolled, you should consider how you are doing in your classes. Think about your other commitments (work, family, etc.) and how those impact your time. Then, you and your advisor can discuss how to turn goals into reality by following your degree plan. A copy of the degree plan which will be given to you will show the specific courses needed.
  • You are responsible for making sure that the courses selected meet degree requirements. Use the College Catalog to confirm which courses meet the requirements. Failure to obtain correct information will not exempt you from having to meet those requirements. You should bring a tentative list of classes you want to take to the advising appointment.
  • Courses should be selected with attention to prerequisites and sequences. If you preregister for classes for which you lack the prerequisites, you can be dropped from those classes by the chairperson of the appropriate department in order to release those spaces to students who have satisfied the prerequisites. You will be protected from such removal only if you secure the permission of the chairperson prior to registering.
  • It is your responsibility to know specific transfer requirements of the college or university to which you plan to transfer. This responsibility includes knowing course requirements, number of credit hours accepted, and grade-point average required for admission. Bring a copy of the catalog of your transfer institution to your advising appointment.
  • You are expected to keep a copy of your degree plan signed by both you and your advisor. Each time you meet with an advisor, you should bring your most recent degree plan for updating.

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