Writing Tutorials

Students are encouraged to visit the SWC which is temporarily located in CB 116 and CB 118 in the Coles Building on the Heritage Campus. The SWC offers the following services:

  1. On-Campus Tutoring Program

    If students want to improve their writing skills, they should check out the on-campus professional writing consultation services and interactive workshops offered by the Stone Writing Center. Writing consultants can help students at any stage of the writing process. Students can also take advantage of the SWC’s resources, including their popular writing blog and an extensive handout collection, by visiting the Stone Writing Center section of the Del Mar College website (http://delmar.edu/swc). Services and resources are available to all students in all disciplines.

  2. Online Tutoring Program

    If students prefer to receive help online, they should consider submitting their work to the Stone Writing Center Online (SWC Online) housed in Canvas. Writing consultants will read students’ work online and will send them individual comments to help them become stronger writers. Students can register for this service by visiting the Stone Writing Center section of the Del Mar College website (http://delmar.edu/swc).

  3. Ask a Writing Tutor Program

    This program allows students to speak with an SWC writing consultant by phone to ask quick questions about writing and submitting to SWC Online. For information regarding the hours of this program, call (361) 698-1364 or visit the Stone Writing Center section of the Del Mar College website (http://delmar.edu/swc).