Grades and Reports

Health sciences program grades are recorded as "A" (100–90); "B" (89–83); "C" (82–75); "D" (74–70); "F" (below 70) failing; and "P" (all RNSG clinical courses). A final grade of "D" or "F" in any course in the student's major in the health sciences programs will automatically remove a student from eligibility to continue in that program until the unsatisfactory grades are removed. Removal can be done only by readmission to the program.

A minimum grade of "C" is required for all health sciences students in all courses to remain in good standing in all health sciences programs.

A student may be recommended for dismissal for failing grades, cheating, inappropriate behavior or attitude, or unsatisfactory clinical performance in any and all health sciences programs. An evaluation of unsatisfactory (unsafe) clinical performance will supersede any classroom grade and will, therefore, mean failure for the semester.