ENGR 2305 Circuits I - Electrical Engineering

Course Information

Course Description

ENGR 2305. ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS I (3-1-3) 14.1001.5110 Principles of electrical circuits and systems. Basic circuit elements (resistance, inductance, mutual inductance, capacitance, independent and dependent controlled voltage, and current sources). Topology of electrical networks; Kirchhoff 's laws; node and mesh analysis; DC circuit analysis; operational amplifiers; transient and sinusoidal steady-state analysis; AC circuit analysis; first- and second-order circuits; Bode plots; network principles; and use of computer simulation software to solve circuit problems. Prerequisite: PHYS 2425 and MATH 2414 Corequisites: ENGR 2105 and MATH 2320. Assessment Levels: R3, E3, M3.

Credits (SCH)