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General Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements for Associate Degrees and Certificate Programs:

Daytona State College has an open-door policy, which gives all students the opportunity to pursue an education beyond high school. Admission to the college is granted to applicants who have a Florida standard high school diploma, a GED® diploma or to home school graduates. Applicants from private schools and high schools from states other than Florida will be considered in accordance with current state statute if their diploma is recognized as equivalent to a Florida standard high school diploma. Students who have previously demonstrated competency in post-secondary level course work (through successful completion of 12 transferable college credits, not including Developmental course work) will be eligible for acceptance to the college. Applications are accepted year-round.

For any questions regarding admission to the college, please call (386) 506-3059. You can apply online or in person at any campus.

Students with a Certificate of Completion or Special Diploma, or without a high school diploma may be admitted to the following certificate programs:

  • Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Mechanic
  • Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology
  • Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing
  • Automotive Service Technology
  • Barbering
  • Cosmetology
  • Culinary Operations – Baking and Pastry Specialization
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Machining
  • Nursing Assistant (Long Term Care)
  • Welding Technology (Applied)

Students who have received a Certificate of Completion-CPT Eligible from their high school can pursue any available degree offering with the exception of limited access programs. However, students who do not have a standard high school diploma or GED® will not be able to receive financial aid.

Admission Requirements for the Bachelor of Applied Science in Supervision and Management Program:

Applications are accepted year-round and students may start the program during any semester of the academic year. There is no application fee. Admission to the Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Supervision and Management program is open to all applicants who meet the admission requirements.

  1. Applicants must complete an application to the BAS in Supervision and Management program. Applications may be submitted online at www.DaytonaState.edu/apply.
  2. Applicants for the BAS program must have earned an associate degree. Students with an Associate of Arts (AA) degree may be admitted to the program with the approval of the Chair of the BAS program. Those with AA degrees who have completed all core general education credits are required to complete 18 credits in an occupational/technical area, e.g., accounting technology, computer science, business, etc. (i.e., 60 AA credits plus 18 occupational/technical credits) in place of the additional general education core credits required of the AS/AAS graduate.
  3. Applicants must have at least 60 college credit hours, including a minimum of 15 credit hours of transferable general education courses. Applicants must have received a grade of "C" or better in all core general education courses that transfer into the BAS program, and must have earned an overall grade point average of 2.0 in the associate degree program courses. In addition, students must have completed all Developmental coursework, MAT1033 and ENC1101 prior to being accepted to the BAS program.

Admission Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Education Program:

Applicants to any of the Bachelor of Science in Education degrees must have:

  1. Conferred Associate of Arts degree from a regionally accredited institution
  2. Cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all higher education classes
  3. Satisfactory completion of the General Knowledge (GK) Test portion of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination. Click here for more information or to register for the exam: http://www.fl.nesinc.com
  4. Volusia County Schools Volunteer clearance. Go to http://www.daytonastate.edu/education under the Admissions Requirements Section to obtain the Volusia County Schools Application to Volunteer. Follow the steps on our website for completion and submission instructions. For a list of disqualifying offenses view Florida Statute 1012.315.
  5. Bachelor of Science in Education Program application
  6. Grade of "C" or higher in the following pre-requisite classes: EDF1005, EDF2085 formerly EDG2071), EME2040 in addition to the following program specific pre-requisites:
    • Elementary Education and Exceptional Student Education: no additional pre-requisites.
    • Secondary Mathematics Education Program: MAC2311C (4 credits), MAC2312C (4 credits) and an additional 4 credit math elective (MAS, MTG, or MAC)
    • Secondary Biology Education: MAC2311C (4 credits), BSC1010C (4 credits), BSC1011C (4 credits) and one of the following: CHM1045C (4 credits), PHY1053C (4 credits) or PHY2048C (5 credits)
    • Secondary Earth/Space Science Education: MAC2311C (4 credits), OCE1001, GLY2010C (4 credits) and one of the following combinations: BSC1010C and BSC1011C, or CHM1045C and CHM1046C, or PHY2048C and PHY2049C
    • Secondary Chemistry Education: Grade of "C" or higher in the following pre-requisite classes: MAC2311 (4 credits), CHM1045C (4 credits), CHM1046C (4 credits), and one of the following combinations: PHY2048C and PHY2049C, or PHY1053C and PHY1054C
    • Secondary Physics Education: MAC2311C (4 credits), MAC2312C (4 credits), MAC2313C (4 credits), PHY2048C, PHY2049C, CHM1045C, and CHM1046C


  1. Once accepted, students must enroll in and complete a mandatory orientation class (SLS3355) in their first semester of enrollment.
  2. Students who have not successfully completed two years of the same foreign language in high school, must complete two semesters or 8 credit hours of the same foreign language at the college level to meet the state foreign language requirement to graduate.
  3. Students must also complete the state-mandated 36 hours of general education core prior to graduation: Communications - 9 hrs; Mathematics - 6 hrs; Sciences - 6 hrs; Humanities, Cultural and Aesthetic - 3 hrs; Behavioral and Social Sciences - 3 hrs; Health and Wellness - 3 hrs; Political, Economic and Business - 3 hrs; Historical and Global - 3 hrs.

Admission Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology

Applicants for the BSET program must have earned an Associate of Science (AS), an Associate of Applied Science (AAS), or an Associate of Arts (AA) degree with an overall grade point average of 2.5. Students with a grade point average of between 2.0 and 2.49 may be admitted conditionally. AA graduates may be admitted to the program with the approval of the Chair of the BSET program. Those with AA degrees who have completed all core general education courses will be required to complete a total of 18 credits in appropriate technical prerequisite courses. AS/AAS graduates must complete additional core general education courses.

Applicants who have not earned an associate degree may be admitted to the BSET program if they have earned at least 60 BSET transferrable credits with a grade of "C" or better in all core general education courses. Applicants in this category must otherwise meet all other requirements for admission which will be granted by approval of the Chair. In addition, students must have completed all Developmental coursework, MAC1105 and ENC1101 prior to being accepted to the BS in Engineering Technology program.

Admission Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Applicants for the BSIT program must have earned an Associate of Science (AS), an Associate of Applied Science (AAS), or an Associate of Arts (AA) degree with an overall grade point average of 2.5. Students with a grade point average of between 2.0 and 2.49 may be admitted conditionally. AA graduates may be admitted to the program with the approval of the Chair of the BSIT program. Those with AA degrees who have completed all core general education courses will be required to complete a total of 18 credits in appropriate technical prerequisite courses. AS/AAS graduates must complete additional core general education courses.

Applicants who have not earned an associate degree may be admitted to the BSIT program if they have earned at least 60 BSIT transferrable credits with a grade of "C" or better in all core general education courses. Applicants in this category must otherwise meet all other requirements for admission which will be granted by approval of the Chair. In addition, students must have completed all Developmental coursework, MAC1105 and ENC1101 prior to being accepted to the BS in Information Technology program.

Admission Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

Applicants for the BSN must have earned an earned Associate of Science (AS) or Diploma in Nursing (Diploma must equate to the AS nursing degree). A minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average also is required, as well as an Unencumbered Florida Registered Nursing License. Applicants must submit two professional letters of recommendation (one from a current or prior employer). In addition, students must have completed MAT1033 and ENC1101 prior to being accepted to the BS in Nursing program.

Upon receipt of the baccalaureate application and prior to completion of the application packet an acknowledgement letter will be sent. Once the application packet is complete, students will receive an acceptance letter. Upon acceptance to the BSN program, students will meet with academic advising to develop a curriculum plan (full- or part-time status).

Admission Requirements for Adult Education:

Daytona State College offers the following programs under its Adult Education Department:

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Adult High School

English as a Second Language (ESL)

General Education Development (GED)

Adult Education applicants must be 16 years of age. Applications are accepted year round at all Daytona State College campuses. Additional documentation required may include:

  • Picture identification from Florida State Department of Motor Vehicles or Student ID
  • Official transcripts from last high school attended (For Adult High School only.)
  • For students under 18:
    • Official withdrawal form (Volusia County only)
    • GED® consent form
    • Parent signature


Acceptance to Daytona State College is contingent upon the receipt of final, official copies of your high school transcripts, documenting a standard high school diploma, or GED® scores, and if applicable, final, official transcripts from all colleges and educational institutions previously attended. Home school students are required to submit a home school verification statement. Students who are home schooled outside of Florida must submit proof they met the graduation requirements of their State. Students who completed high school in another country or who attended a college or university outside the U.S. must have a NACES-recognized evaluation service complete a course-by-course evaluation of these transcripts. NACES members can be viewed at http://www.naces.org. Also, submit translated syllabi for all post-secondary courses you wish to have considered for transfer. Additional documentation may also be required. Please contact the Records Office for more information.

With the exception of international students, all certificate and degree-seeking students are given a one-semester grace period to submit official documents mentioned above. Until all transcripts are received students will be unable to register for future semesters.  Financial aid will not be disbursed until all transcripts are received. If you have questions about transcripts or are having trouble obtaining your transcripts please contact the Admission Department at 386-506-3642.