ILC 376 Missouri River Plains: Words&Watersheds
An Integrative Learning Course for which students
receive CORE credit in both Arts & Letters:
Literature and Natural Science with a lab.
The Missouri River Plains: Words and Watersheds.
This course is a summer, field-intensive course
that is centered around multi-day field trips
along the Wild and Scenic Upper Missouri River in
Montana and the Lower Missouri River in
Kansas/Nebraska. The primary focus is the diverse
interactions that form the ecosystems of the
Missouri River Plains in the central United
States. We will explore the interplay between
Biology and Literature by experiencing the effect
that biological systems have on our culture and
society as well as the way literature affects the
way we experience nature. Additional emphasis in
the course is placed upon the scientific method,
the evaluation, analysis, and synthesis of
information, and on communicating scientific
information and integrating it with cultural,
historical, political, economic, and artistic
endeavors. This course fulfills the Natural
Science and Literature core distribution
requirements. Prerequisites: Either (or both?) an
Intermediate Writing or Cultural Diversity course
must be taken prior to enrolling in this course.
Take CORE-110 or HNR-150. Take 1 OC, oral communications course. Take TH-101 previously or concurrently. Take 1 PR, philosophical reasoning course previously or concurrently.
Course Types
Even Year Summer