2019-2020 Undergraduate General Catalog


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EDUC 301 Content, Methods and Materials for Teaching Science in the K-8 Classroom

National and state standards for science will provide the basis for this course which integrates science content knowledge, teaching methods and materials appropriate for teaching in today's K-8 classrooms. This course is designed to build preservice teachers' practical experience in teaching science at the elementary and middle school level. The course will allow for application of science content including life, physical, earth and space science to lessons and activities. Students will explore various teaching methods, learn to use scientific equipment common to classrooms, provide feedback to peers, and reflect on their own professional development as science teachers. The course integrates science content knowledge and teaching skills and integrates hands-on learning from a constructivist perspective. A practicum experience is required.




EDUC 275; BIOL 110 or BIOL 120; Admitted to Teacher Education Program

EDUC 310D Secondary and Middle School Methods: English

This course is designed to provide for the focused study of curriculum development and instructional strategies for teaching English Language Arts at the middle and high school levels, grades 5-12. Topics addressed include but are not limited to specialized content and pedagogical knowledge for English Language Arts, assessment, classroom management, differentiation, diversity, inclusive classrooms, instructional planning, materials selection, standards, technology integration, and unit planning. Course includes a field experience of approximately 8-10 hours.




Sophomore Standing

EDUC 310E Secondary and Middle School Methods: Foreign Language

This course is designed to provide for the focused study of curriculum development and instructional strategies for teaching foreign languages. Topics addressed include but are not limited to specialized content and pedagogical knowledge for foreign languages, assessment, classroom management, differentiation, diversity, inclusive classrooms, instructional planning, materials selection, standards, technology integration, and unit planning. Course includes a field experience of approximately 8-10 hours.




Sophomore Standing

EDUC 310F Secondary and Middle School Methods: Mathematics

This course is designed to provide for the focused study of curriculum development and instructional strategies for teaching mathematics at the middle and high school levels, grades 5-12. Topics addressed include but are not limited to specialized content and pedagogical knowledge for mathematics, assessment, classroom management, differentiation, diversity, inclusive classrooms, instructional planning, materials selection, standards, technology integration, and unit planning. Course includes a field experience of approximately 8-10 hours.




Sophomore Standing

EDUC 310G Secondary and Middle School Methods: Physical Education

This course is designed to provide for the focused study of curriculum development and instructional strategies for teaching physical education at middle and high school levels, grades 5-12. Topics addressed include but are not limited to specialized content and pedagogical knowledge for physical education and health, assessment, classroom management, differentiation, diversity, inclusive classrooms, instructional planning, materials selection, standards, technology integration, and unit planning. Course includes a field experience of approximately 8-10 hours.




Sophomore Standing

EDUC 310H Secondary and Middle School Methods: Science

This course is designed to provide for the focused study of curriculum development and instructional strategies for teaching science at the middle and high school levels, grades 5-12. Topics addressed include but are not limited to specialized content and pedagogical knowledge for science, assessment, classroom management, differentiation, diversity, inclusive classrooms, instructional planning, materials selection, standards, technology integration, and unit planning. Course includes a field experience of approximately 8-10 hours.




Sophomore Standing

EDUC 310I Secondary and Middle School Methods: Social Science

This course is designed to provide for the focused study of curriculum development and instructional strategies for teaching science at the middle and high school levels, grades 5-12. Topics addressed include but are not limited to specialized content and pedagogical knowledge for science, assessment, classroom management, differentiation, diversity, inclusive classrooms, instructional planning, materials selection, standards, technology integration, and unit planning. Course includes a field experience of approximately 8-10 hours.




Sophomore Standing

EDUC 310K Secondary and Middle School Methods: Art

This course is designed to provide for the focused study of curriculum development and instructional strategies for teaching art at middle and high school levels, grades 5-12. Topics addressed include but are not limited to specialized content and pedagogical knowledge for art, assessment, classroom management, differentiation, diversity, inclusive classrooms, instructional planning, materials selection, standards, technology integration, and unit planning. Course includes a field experience of approximately 8-10 hours.




Sophomore Standing

EDUC 313 Teaching Mathematics in Elementary and Middle School

This course is based on the premise that math is essential for preparing children to participate in our 21st century economy, children can and will enjoy mathematics, that children learn best by actively exploring and investigating math, and that problem-solving, reasoning, and communication are important goals of mathematics teaching and learning. Course includes a field experience of approximately 10 hours.




MATH 130 or MATH 131; Admitted to Teacher Education Program

EDUC 320 Methods Teach and Assessing Writing (W)

This course integrates writing theory and practice for teachers. Topics include writing development, research on writing, curriculum development, local, state and national standards for writing, models for responding to and evaluating student writing, and classroom methods for teaching the writing process in K-8 classrooms. Course includes a field experience of approximately 15-20 hours.




EDUC 290; Admitted to Teacher Education Program


EDUC 325

EDUC 325 Methods Teach and Assessing Reading

This course integrates reading theory and practice for teachers. Topics include reading development, research on reading, curriculum development, local, state, and national standards for reading, formative and summative reading assessments, and classroom methods for teaching reading in K-8 classrooms. Course includes a field experience of approximately 15-20 hours.




EDUC 290; Admitted to Teacher Education Program


EDUC 320

EDUC 330 Foundations and Methods at the Middle Level

This course addresses the philosophy and pedagogy of middle school instruction and student learning in the 21st century. Students will compare and contrast the middle school model with junior high schools, analyze the developmental characteristics of young adolescents and the learning environments in which adolescents learn best, and develop appropriate curriculum, instruction, and assessments for young adolescent learners. Course includes a field experience of approximately 15 hours.




Admitted to Teacher Education Program

EDUC 335 Literacy in the Content Area

This course is designed to acquaint students with the basic theories and methods of content area literacy instruction and emphasizes the practical application of theory and methods to the content areas at the middle and secondary level. Topics to be covered include comprehension development, study skills, metacognitive awareness, schema activation, instructional frameworks, purposeful reading/learning, critical thinking, vocabulary, word recognition, writing, questioning, and discussion skills as well as current trends and issues such as differentiation, materials selection, and classroom management.




Admitted to Teacher Education Program

EDUC 345 Adolescent Development

Adolescence is a crucial transition period from childhood to adulthood. This course will examine adolescent development and issues within the context of the physical, cognitive, affective, and social domains. Focus will be on the adolescent's self development with particular reference to relationships in the family, school, peer groups, and community. 




Sophomore Standing

EDUC 350 Content, Methods and Materials for Teaching Social Studies in the K-8 Classroom

National and state standards for science will provide the basis for this course which integrates social studies content knowledge, teaching methods and materials appropriate for teaching in today's K-8 classrooms. This course is designed to build preservice teachers' knowledge, skills and attitudes to become effective and competent teachers of social studies including geography, history, civics/government, and economics. Students will explore the philosophy, objectives, instructional strategies and materials used in teaching social studies in the elementary and middle school and will allow for the application of social studies content to lessons and activities.




Admitted to Teacher Education Program

EDUC 355 Human Relations in Education

This class will provide pre-service teachers an understanding of "...multicultural education as embedded in a sociopolitical context and as antiracist and basic education for all students that permeates all areas of schooling, and that is characterized by a commitment to social justice and critical approaches to learning" (Neito, 2000). This course investigates the values, culture and characteristics associated with persons of diversity. Dehumanizing biases including, but not limited to, sexism, racism, ageism, and religious bigotry will be discussed. Systems of attitude, behavior and oppression will be examined with particular reference to education in a pluralistic society. The course will develop multicultural competence in educators along with skills in interpersonal relations and group facilitation. Course includes a field experience of approximately 8 hours.




Sophomore Standing

EDUC 360 Foundations of English as a New Language

This course will provide a foundational background and knowledge base to the historical, legal, and theoretical frameworks of education for English Language Learners (ELLs). The course will focus on acculturation issues for ELLs and the basics on how language works. This course will also help prepare you to be knowledgeable about culture, content and learning and be disposed to meet the needs of diverse learners in your classroom. Course includes a field experience of approximately 10 hours.



EDUC 370 Literacy for English Language Learners

This course is focused on exploring ideas for promoting literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening, & viewing) development in K-12 ELLs. Topics such as language acquisition theory, classroom organization, teaching strategies and assessment procedures will be explored and considered as they apply to K-12 ELLs. This course will prepare you to be knowledgeable about culture, content, and learning and to be disposed to select/adapt curriculum and pedagogy to meet the needs of diverse learners.



EDUC 375 Educational Assessment

This course will provide students with the strategies and techniques to effectively design and implement classroom assessments, and interpret standardized test results in the classroom environment. Students will learn to employ a variety of assessment techniques and interpret the results of various assessments designed for learners from different backgrounds.




Admitted to Teacher Education Program

EDUC 380 Methods of English as a New Language

This course will explore ways to teach and integrate the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking in K-12 content-area classrooms for English Language Learners (ELLs). Students will consider a variety of best practice pedagogical and instructional approaches, strategies and assessment techniques. Course will include specific attention to the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol or SIOP. Class discussion will also focus on how to create and sustain a positive learning environment for ELLs. Course includes a field experience of approximately 8 hours.



EDUC 399 Independent Study

Individualized Study in Education.




Instructor Approval.