2016-2017 Undergraduate General Catalog


SPED 236 Foundations of LD and CI

During the learning disabilities (LD) portion of the course, students will study the cognitive, linguistic, social, and educational characteristics of children and adolescents with specific learning disabilities. The course will include a historical overview of the field of LD and a focus on dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The course also will include an orientation to research-based teaching strategies and an electronic practicum. The cognitive impairments (CI) portion of the course will examine various disabilities, in which a cognitive impairment may be present, such as fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, cerebral palsy, and others. Students will learn how a cognitive impairment impacts physical, educational, and psychological development. The array of services needed across the lifespan to promote inclusion in school and society will be discussed. A field experience will be included.



SPED 240 Teaching in Inclusive Schools

This course is required for all elementary, secondary and K-12 education majors who do not have a major or minor in Special Education. The course provides information on the characteristics of students with disabilities, special and general education service delivery models, and making adaptations that support inclusion of students with disabilities in education settings. A 15-hour field experience is required.




EDUC 275

SPED 257 Foundations of ASD and EBD

This course is a requirement for all Special Education minors and majors and is also recommended for those who plan on working with students with emotional/behavioral disorders (i.e., Psychology and Sociology majors). During the emotional/behavioral (EBD) portion of this course, students will discuss the social, behavioral, emotional and educational characteristics of children and adolescents with ODD, CD, ADHD, and other related subcategories of EBD. The autism (ASD) portion of the course will examine the history, etiology, screening, and evaluation process ASD. Students will understand the characteristics of ASD and how the sensory system can be impacted. Strategies to develop and enhance communication and socialization skills across the life span to ensure inclusion of individuals with ASD will be discussed.



SPED 270 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder

This course will examine autism spectrum disorders and how individuals and families are affected by the disorder. The screening and evaluation process will be described. Students will understand the characteristics of autism spectrum disorders and how the sensory system can be impacted. Instructional strategies and assistive technology will be demonstrated and implementation techniques will be addressed. Approaches to develop and enhance social skills across the life span to ensure inclusion of individuals on the autism spectrum will be discussed.



SPED 280 Practicum:Children and Youth with Disabilities

This field experience requires 75 hours of observation and direct participation in a school or agency that serves children or adolescents with disabilities. Students are required to reflect upon and document their experience through journals, case studies and artifacts. The practicum is supervised and requires pre-registration clearance. Grading System: S/U only



SPED 299 Independent Study

Special topics in all aspects of special education. Individual work in an on-campus or an off-campus project.




Permission of Department Chair