2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog

General Academic Policies

Class Attendance

Class attendance is expected of all students. Instructors will outline their specific attendance policies during the opening meeting of the class. These attendance expectations are also to be included in the course syllabus. Students who find it necessary to be absent because of illness or other reasons should notify the instructor before the class period. Students missing class or arriving late assume responsibility for communicating with the instructor. Instructors may require students to provide verification of reasons for absence. Faculty and staff wishing to take students off-campus for field trips, conferences, tours, athletic competitions, etc., must submit a roster to the Dean of Students Office at least one week in advance. Instructors are encouraged to make arrangements to accept course work, administer examinations ahead of time or allow make-up work, but reserve the right not to do so.

Academic Classification

Classifications are based on the attainment of the following number of credit hours earned;

Freshman 0-27.99
Sophomore  28-57.99
Junior 58-89.99
Senior 90 and higher

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity is vital to the academic environment at Augustana because it involves the search for and acquisition of knowledge and understanding. Evaluation of each student’s level of knowledge, understanding, and ability to synthesize and integrate materials requires tangible assessment via reports, examinations, and homework. Any willful misrepresentation of the relation between the work being evaluated and the student’s actual state of knowledge is an act of academic dishonesty. The following is a partial list of examples:

  • Plagiarism
    • Using the exact language of someone else without the use of quotation marks and without giving proper credit to the author
    • Rearranging another’s ideas or material and presenting them as though they are one’s original work without giving appropriate acknowledgment
    • Submitting a document written by someone else as one’s own work
  • Paying for or obtaining another’s work and submitting it as one’s own
  • Giving or receiving answers to an exam
  • Copying, with or without another person’s knowledge, during an exam
  • Doing class assignments for someone else
  • Submitting a paper that has been purchased from a commercial research firm or the web
  • Fabricating items on a bibliography
  • Obtaining an unauthorized copy of a test in advance of its scheduled administration
  • Using unauthorized notes during an exam
  • Collaborating with other students on assignments when it is not permitted
  • Altering answers on a scored test and submitting it for a re-grade
  • Accessing and altering records in a grade book
  • Stealing class assignments from other students and submitting them as one’s own
  • Fabricating laboratory or research data
  • Destroying, stealing or sabotaging the work of other students
  • Resubmitting a previously graded assignment for a different course

Honor Code

As a community of scholars, the students and faculty of Augustana University commit to the highest standards of excellence by mutually embracing an Honor Code. As a University of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, we understand the individual and collective responsibility we have in fostering integrity. Ultimately, our purpose is to be an engaged body of academically excellent, highly articulate, and morally centered persons who learn about and examine the world together. We believe that only when we are honest with ourselves and each other can we begin to contribute to the world in a meaningful manner. Augustana’s Honor Code consists of inter-related elements that guide scholarship and learning; the Honor Pledge, the Honor Board, and a set of judicial procedures that guide the University’s adjudication of academic integrity violations. The complete procedures for implementation of the Honor Code are at www.augie.edu/honor.

Honor Pledge

The Honor Code states the principles that guide our work together. Students will sign an honor pledge on every examination and other assignments deemed appropriate by the faculty member. The Honor Pledge is as follows;

“On my honor, I pledge that I have upheld the Honor Code, and that the work I have done on this assignment has been honest, and that the work of others in this class has, to the best of my knowledge, been honest as well.”

Honor Board

The Honor Board has the responsibility for administering the Honor Code by developing the rules of procedure and educating the campus community about academic integrity. The ten-member Honor Board is composed of six students, four faculty members, and the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs who serves as the Chair of the Board. All have voting privileges except for the Chair of the Board.

Honor Code Rights and Responsibilities

We aim in all our work to foster integrity as an abiding characteristic of the Augustana community. To that end, the Honor Code is rooted in a shared covenant between faculty and students. The responsibilities of every faculty member and student as vital participants in the Honor Code are defined as follows:

Faculty Rights and Responsibilities:

  1. Faculty autonomy is to be safeguarded, as the work of the classroom is primarily the responsibility of faculty members.
  2. Faculty members will choose whether or not to proctor examinations.
  3. All faculty members will include statements that affirm the Honor Code in their syllabi. These statements will include descriptions of likely penalties. Uniform language will be provided for faculty members to use.
  4. The faculty members will include the Honor Pledge on every examination and on other assignments as deemed appropriate by the faculty member.
  5. The faculty member will contact in a timely manner any student who does not sign the Honor Pledge.
  6. The faculty member who brings forward evidence of instances of academic dishonesty will be responsible to testify if the case is forwarded to the Honor Board.

Student Rights and Responsibilities:

  1. Students shall have a right to due process. This shall include the right:
    1. to be informed of the nature of the violation,
    2. to a fair hearing of the evidence leading to a decision in the case, either by the professor involved or (at the discretion of the professor involved) by the Honor Board,
    3. to be accompanied to any hearing before the Honor Board by an advisor from the Augustana campus community,
    4. to request an appeal.
  2. Students will be expected to sign the Honor Pledge after each examination and on other assignments deemed appropriate by the faculty member.
  3. Students who do not sign the pledge will be contacted by the instructor in regard to the reason. Students who do not sign the Honor Pledge because they have observed dishonest behavior by other students will need to provide written testimony in the event that the case goes to a hearing before the Honor Board, but will not be obligated to testify in person and will also remain anonymous.
  4. Students found to be in violation of the Honor Code shall not be permitted to withdraw from the class in which the violation occurred.

Honor Code Determinations:

At a minimum, a student found to have violated the Honor Code will be placed on disciplinary warning.
  1. A disciplinary warning is a written notice that the student has violated the Honor Code.
  2. If a disciplinary warning is issued, further violations will likely lead to disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion.

Other consequences include, but are not limited to:

  1. Failure of the assignment or examination.
  2. Failure of the course.
  3. Disciplinary probation; a written reprimand for violation of the Honor Code. The probation specifies the period and conditions of the consequence. The written conditions shall also give the student notice of any consequences related to further violation of the Honor Code during the probationary period. If disciplinary probation is issued, further violations will likely lead to a suspension, or expulsion.
  4. Recommendation to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs to suspend from the University. A suspension is a separation of the student from Augustana for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
  5. Recommendation to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs to expel from the University. An expulsion is a permanent separation of the student from Augustana University.

Note: Any student who receives disciplinary action becomes ineligible to run for or continue in any elected office or appointed position for at least one year with any of the following organizations including but not limited to: ASA Student Senate, Union Board of Governors, the Mirror and New Student Orientation.

Academic Probation/Dismissal Procedures

Probation/Dismissal/Eligibility: Students are placed on or removed from academic probation at the end of any term (fall, interim, spring or summer), and students are dismissed from Augustana at the end of any fall or spring semester based on the following criteria:

Credit Hours GPA which results
in dismissal/probation
GPA which results in probation
0 – 27.99 0 – 1.49 1.50 – 1.70
28 – 57.99 0 – 1.59 1.60 – 1.80
58 – 89.99 0 – 1.69 1.70 – 1.90
90 and higher 0 – 1.84 1.85 – 1.99
  1. Students who have been on probation for a semester, and do not raise their cumulative grade point average above the probation range may be dismissed from the College.
  2. The academic probation/dismissal status of students shall be in effect the first day of the term following the decision. For example, actions taken at the end of Fall Semester 2015 go into effect on the first day of Interim 2016. Actions taken at the end of Spring Semester 2016 go into effect the first day of Summer term 2016, or Fall Semester 2016 if the student is not enrolled in courses for summer.
  3. A student on continued academic probation, or on academic probation for the second time is not eligible to participate in the following activities: (a) intercollegiate athletics; (b) cheer and dance teams; (c) campus publications (Mirror, EDDA, Venture); (d) music ensembles; and (e) theatre productions. This list of affected activities shall be reviewed annually by the Co-Curriculum Council. Ineligibility to participate means that the student shall not participate in organized practices, rehearsals, games, contests, or performances. The student shall not travel with the team or organization.
  4. Students are restored to good standing at the end of any term (fall, interim, spring or summer) their cumulative grade point average exceeds the grade point average listed above.

Petition Processes:

  1. A student may petition a dismissal decision to the Academic Status Petition Committee. The Committee will normally consider such a request only after the student has been out of school for one semester.
  2. A student may petition to the Academic Status Petition Committee to be allowed to participate in the activities listed in the previous section 3 while on continued academic probation only under extraordinary circumstances.
  3. The student petition shall be submitted to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs no later than 6 weeks prior to the beginning of the affected semester. The Committee will convene if petitions are submitted within 21 days after the status decisions are made. Each petition must contain:
  • A statement about the circumstances that led to the dismissal/probation decision.
  • A verifiable plan that details efforts to be taken that will prevent a reoccurrence of the problem. This plan will be written in conjunction with the student’s academic advisor.
  • The student may request an appearance before the Academic Status Petition Committee.

Grading System

The following grades are used in the evaluation of academic achievement:

Grade  Quality Point
A+ 4.00
A 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B 3.00
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C 2.00
C- 1.70
D+ 1.30
D 1.00
D- 0.70
F 0.00

S/U: Satisfactory (C- and above)

   Unsatisfactory (D+ and below); no quality points (not used in calculation of GPA)

I: Incomplete

IP: Course in progress

VS: Indicated on the transcript for a successfully completed audit

VU: Indicated on the transcript for an unsuccessful audit

The grades of F, U, VS, and VU earn neither credit hours nor quality points

All repeated courses remain on the transcript with only the highest grade used in calculating the grade point average.

*New Student Seminar (GENL 097), CEEL, Student Teaching, and Practicum courses are always graded S/U, as are the departmental courses so designated in this catalog. Other participation courses (typically numbered 095-098), some Internships, and some Interim courses may be graded S/U. Students may also elect to have S/U grading applied to a maximum of two courses (8 credit hours) that are regularly graded A-F. Students choosing this option must notify the Registrar’s Office in writing by no later than the last day to drop a course with a W (see the academic calendar each semester).

In Progress Grades

In progress (IP) grades are given only for courses taken under the Independent Learning Program or special project courses requiring more than one semester to complete. An IP grade is changed to an F one year after the beginning of the term in which the course was begun. Approved IP graded courses include:

  • Independent Scholarship
  • Internship
  • Senior Seminar
  • Independent Study
  • Practicum
  • Student Teaching

Incomplete Grades

The student must initiate a request for an incomplete grade (I) before the end of the academic term. An incomplete (I) is a temporary grade which the instructor may choose to give a student. The assignment of an incomplete grade is only appropriate when extraordinary circumstances beyond the student’s control, such as illness or necessary absence, have prevented the student from completing the course requirements at the end of the academic term. Incomplete grades are not to be given due to unsatisfactory work done in the course.

The student must have successfully completed a substantial portion of the course’s work in order to receive an incomplete grade.

The standard due date for all course work and grades will be midterm of the following semester. (Fall and Interim incomplete grades due late March; Spring and Summer incomplete grades due late October.) If an alternate date is arranged with the student and the instructor, the instructor must notify the Office of the Registrar. In no event may the due date exceed one year.

Once the due date has passed, if a Change of Grade form has not been submitted to the Office of the Registrar, the incomplete grade will automatically change to an “F”.

When a student is assigned an incomplete grade, that individual is not eligible to be included on the Dean’s List for that particular term.

Grade Review and Grade Changes

Academic excellence and integrity are important to the faculty and students of Augustana college. If a student disagrees with a grade, they have the right to voice their concern. Evaluation of student work and assignment of grades on the basis of established academic criteria are the responsibility and prerogative exercised by each individual instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain all documentation for his or her classes, including copies of all syllabi, assignments and grades earned.

If an instructor discovers a grading error, he or she may submit a Grade Change Form to the Office of the Registrar no later than the end of the following term. The only basis for a grade change is an error in grade assignment or calculation. Grades cannot be changed on the basis of additional work submitted or examinations retaken after a grade has been submitted.

If a student believes a grade was assigned in error, because of a mistake in calculation or an error in recording a grade, the student should consult the instructor before the end of the second week of the following term. Students should be aware that, as a result of review, a grade may be raised, lowered or left the same. If the instructor agrees that a change should be made, a Grade Change Form should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than the end of the following term.

Fall semester grade review requests – no later than mid-February

Interim (January term) grade review requests – no later than mid-February

Spring semester grade review requests – no later than mid-September

Summer term grade review requests – no later than mid-September

Grades may not be changed for any reason after one year. If the student needs a changed grade, he or she will need to repeat the course.

Grade Appeals

Students have the right to be protected against prejudiced or capricious academic evaluation. A student who wishes to appeal a final course grade on these grounds should first appeal to the instructor. This action should end the matter in most cases, but if not, the student should follow the Academic Grievance Procedure in the Catalog.

Grade Appeals fall under the same timeline as Grade Reviews. The process must begin no later than two weeks into the term following the contested grade:

Fall semester grade review requests – no later than mid-February

Interim (January term) grade review requests – no later than mid-February

Spring semester grade review requests – no later than mid-September

Summer term grade review requests – no later than mid-September

Academic Grievance Procedure

The academic grievance procedure shall be used in all cases involving grievances by students involving faculty or other students concerning alleged academic injustices relating to grades, or unprofessional conduct.

Step 1

The student shall take a complaint to the instructor within two weeks into the following term (mid-February for Fall or Interim issues; mid-September for Summer or Spring issues.) If the student feels unable to approach the instructor, the grievance may be taken to the chair of the department in which the instructor is a member (if the instructor is the department chair, the grievance should be taken to the division chair). If the grievance is redressed or the student is satisfied in this meeting with the instructor or the department/division chair, the matter is settled.

Step 2

If the student is dissatisfied with the instructor's response to the grievance the student may take the grievance to the chair of the department in which the instructor involved is a member or to the division chair if the instructor is the chair of the department. This appeal must be brought within one week of the unsatisfactory response to the initial statement of grievance. The department (or the division) chair shall require the student to submit the grievance in written form and shall ask for a written response from the instructor involved. On the basis of this information and any other that the department (or division) chair shall judge pertinent, the chair shall render a decision. This decision shall be given to the student in writing and a written record of the decision and its basis must be kept by the chair and shared with the instructor. If the student and the instructor are satisfied, the matter is settled.

Step 3

If the student or the instructor feels dissatisfied with the decision regarding the grievance rendered by the department (or division) chair, either may appeal the decision to the Academic Dean within one week of the unsatisfactory decision. This appeal must be in writing and must indicate why an appeal should be heard. The Academic Dean shall ask the department (or division) chair for the written record of the grievance procedure to that point. Through consultation with the Dean of Students, the grievance shall be reviewed and the appeal considered. The decision of this appeal body shall be final.

Transcript Audit

A transcript audit allows the student to attend class. It also implies that at a minimum, class was attended on a regular basis and whatever additional requirements agreed upon between the class instructor and student were successfully completed. The Registrar’s Office shall record this experience on an official transcript with a grade of successful audit (VS) or unsuccessful audit (VU). A fee will be charged. Students can participate in an audit only when space is available in the course. Contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.

Academic Renewal

A student who has not been enrolled at Augustana for four consecutive years may petition to have the previous grade point average earned prior to the four year period not be included in the student’s cumulative grade point average. The courses will appear on the transcript, but will not be used in computing the grade point average. Any credit hours earned will count toward the graduation requirement. The statement, “Academic Renewal Declared on (date)”, will appear on the transcript. Once academic renewal has been declared, it is final and irreversible. Academic renewal may be used only once in a student’s academic career. The petition for exception to a published academic regulation shall be the form used to make this request, and can be obtained from the Registrar’s Office.

Late Registration

While full-time sophomores, juniors, and seniors normally register for the Fall Semester in the preceding spring and for the Spring Semester in the preceding fall, late registration is possible through 5:00 p.m., the third day after the beginning of classes. Only in exceptional cases will a student be allowed to register after this time.

Withdrawal and Readmission

Students who believe they should withdraw from Augustana must confer with the Dean of Students Office relative to 1) the implications and advisability of leaving Augustana; 2) the procedures to be followed; and 3) returning to Augustana at some future time if appropriate. A student who exits the University and bypasses the procedures listed above will receive grades of F, and will be ineligible for the customary adjustment on education fees.

For information about Augustana's refund policy, see the Financial Information section of this catalog.

An individual who has previously attended Augustana and desires readmission may contact the Office of Admission for information.

Non-Augustana Courses

Students seeking to earn credit toward a degree by taking a course from an accredited college or university must secure the written permission from the Registrar if the course is for elective or general education credit as well as the chair of the department if the course is for a major. This must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office before beginning the proposed course work. This is for students taking courses during the semester, as well as during the summer. Students are responsible for having an official transcript mailed to the Registrar’s Office upon completion of the coursework. The GPA will transfer in to count toward the student’s cumulative GPA at Augustana.

Policies for Course Credits and Exemption Examinations

Augustana recognizes that students may have gained knowledge and skills through prior studies or experience which is equivalent to one or more college courses. Therefore, Augustana provides a variety of ways in which students may demonstrate knowledge and skills and receive credit or an exemption from a requirement. Students may earn up to 32 credit hours through one or more of the prior learning evaluations listed below.

Advanced Placement

The College Entrance Examination Board’s Advanced Placement Examinations (AP) are used by the College in awarding academic credit to students who achieve a score of 4 or 5 on an AP examination. Students interested in obtaining credit on the basis of such examinations should consult with the Office of Admission. Details of course equivalencies may be found on the Academic Advising website.

Automatic Placement for ACT or SAT Exams

Students who have achieved an average of 29 or higher for the scores on the English and Reading sections of the ACT (must be from the same test date), or a score of 600 or higher on the verbal section of the SAT, are automatically excused from the first-year composition course. This achievement will be without credit toward graduation.

Students who have achieved a score of 30 or higher on the mathematics section of the ACT, or a score of 650 or higher on the SAT, are automatically excused from taking a math course. This achievement will be without credit toward graduation.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Augustana will grant credit based upon successful completion of most College Level Examination Program Subject Matter Examinations. The College does not grant credit for CLEP General Examinations.

  1. Augustana uses the recommended score for awarding credit as contained in the CLEP Subject Examination Policy.
  2. Students may take these examinations either prior to or after enrolling at Augustana. Students who achieve the minimum passing score or higher will have the equivalent Augustana course noted on their transcript, with credit granted towards graduation requirements. When appropriate, they will also be excused from the corresponding course in the general education requirements.
  3. Augustana is an “open” CLEP testing center making CLEP testing available to our students, high school students, and the general public.

Department Proficiency Exams

Currently Augustana offers three departmental examinations. These are ENGL 110, COMM 110, and PHIL 120. Upon successful completion of any of these examinations and the payment of a processing fee, a student receives credit for the course. For more information about the CLEP or departmental proficiency exams, contact the Student Success Center.

International Baccalaureate Exams

Academic credit is granted on a course-by-course basis for International Baccalaureate Higher Level examinations in which the student has received a score of 4 or higher.

Life Experience Credit

Augustana is eager to assist adult-learners pursue baccalaureate degrees through the evaluation of college-level learning gained from life experiences. By following suggested guidelines, adults may receive up to twenty-six semester hours of credit toward their degree through this option. Course credit is given for academic learning related to experience, not for work experience alone. Contact the Office of the Registrar for more information.

Transfer Credit

Students who successfully complete an academic course offered by an accredited college or university meet the requirements for transfer credit. Contact the Office of Admission, or the Registrar’s Office for more information.

Former Augustana Students

Students previously enrolled at Augustana must submit a Returning Student Application. This will allow the University to confirm your eligibility to return. Students who are interested in returning should contact the Registrar’s Office. An official transcript of any coursework completed at another institution since you last attended Augustana is required.


Veterans should request that their transcript(s) of high school and/or college credits be sent to the Office of Admission. GI Bill ® or other veteran educational benefits can be applied toward college expenses. Graduate degree programs are also approved by The Veterans Administration under Title 38, U.S. Code in accordance with CFR 21.4253 and 21.4254. If you need additional financial assistance, contact the Office of Financial Aid, Augustana University (NOTE: There is a Veterans Administration Center located in Sioux Falls.)  More information for Veterans is available here.

Credit by Examination-Proficiency Examinations

Students who have mastered through their own efforts an area of knowledge corresponding to a course at Augustana can earn credit directly by taking a comprehensive examination covering the course providing the chair of the department agrees. Credit and a grade will be recorded on the permanent record. Students interested in this option should contact Student Academic Support Services.

Course Prerequisites

When a course has a prerequisite, the student must either fulfill these requirements or have the permission of the instructor to enter the course.

Course Cancellation

The College reserves the right to cancel any class with an enrollment of fewer than 10 students.

Repeating Courses

Any course can be repeated to raise a grade. The higher grade is used in figuring the grade point average, but both grades will remain on the student’s permanent record. Course credits for a repeated course will only be counted once towards graduation.


Student records are confidential and information is released only at the request of the student. All transcript requests must be submitted in writing and personally signed. There is no charge for transcripts. No transcript will be released until all accounts, including loan funds administered by the University, are paid in full or are current according to established repayment schedules.

Exceptions to Academic Regulations

A student who desires that an exception be made to an academic regulation must submit a petition containing a rationale for the exception to the Registrar. The form to be used in submitting this request may be secured from the Registrar’s Office, or online.