
Education—Doctor of Philosophy

Degree: Doctor of Philosophy 

Website: Education

College/School: Dreeben School of Education

Apply to UIW: Application to the PhD in Education program

Doctor of Philosophy in Education

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program at the Dreeben School of Education readies students to be scholarly researchers, educators, and leaders that are fully prepared to affect positive change in global, organizational and community settings.

Our education doctoral programs emphasize developing leaders through a multidisciplinary program that provides opportunities for international experience, guided practicum and collaborative learning experiences, both locally and globally.

The Doctor of Philosophy in Education degree:

— a 66 credit hour Doctor of Philosophy in Education program that includes

57 hours of coursework and

a minimum of 9 dissertation hours;

the PhD in Education degree will be awarded after successful completion of the program.

Three concentrations:

— Adult Education, Social Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

— Organizational Leadership and Evaluation

— Student Services and Higher Education Administration


Each subject area in these doctoral programs reflects the institution’s mission to combine education with service. Many students have opportunities for local and international internships and research. The curriculum for each subject area has been designed to meet the needs of the communities served by the university.

Students benefit from a clear grounding in their chosen subject area, which balances the educational component of the degrees and thus better prepares students to draw from and apply critical theory, transformative learning, experiential learning, and self-directed learning in their research. This will complement and provide a better basis for the degree plan's focus on research and methodological innovation.


Dual Degree Pathway option: Education — Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy 


Admission Requirements

Admission to doctoral study is restricted to applicants whose backgrounds show promise of scholarship in their field of study. For admission to the doctoral program, an applicant must submit:

  • Evidence of an earned master’s degree from an accredited college or university (or international equivalent) with a minimum GPA of 3.0

  • Official transcripts of all college or university work

  • Two letters of recommendation, one from a professional colleague or former professor

  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Writing sample or Capstone project

  • Quantitative assessment

  • Assessment interview

  • Other specific criteria may be required by concentrations within the PhD program.

Degree Requirements

The Doctoral Program of Study requires 57 semester hours of coursework27 of which are in the common core, plus 30 hours of a selected concentrationa Qualifying Examination, reaching candidacy status, and a minimum of 9 semester hours of Dissertation Writing.

In addition to the curriculum, there are unique opportunities for domestic and international internships. The doctoral degree is granted after all requirements are met and the Dissertation Clearance form is signed.

The program is built on the following common core and combines scholarly research with application, fostering the integration of theory and practice.

Core Research Courses (18 hours)

INDR 8350Introduction to Inquiry


INDR 8351Quantitative Research Methods and Statistical Analysis


INDR 8355Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis


EDUC 7333/EDUC 6333Action Research


INDR 8390Advanced Research Methods and Instrumentation


INDR 8353Advanced Quantitative Design and Analysis



INDR 8357Advanced Qualitative Design and Analysis


Total Credit Hours:18

Core Theory Courses (9 hours)

ADED 7381/ADED 6381Adult Learning and Development


INDR 8330Belief Systems: A Cross-Cultural Perspective


INDR 8370Ethics for the Professions


Total Credit Hours:9

Adult Education, Social Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Concentration (30 hours—includes 6 elective course hours)

The Adult Education, Social Innovation, and Entrepreneurship concentration draws from entrepreneurial ideas, values, world-views, and practices and applies them in education, business, and other fields. It does so by providing students with a clear grounding in action research and adult education principles, practices, and methods which underpin social innovation and entrepreneurial strategies. This will better prepare students to draw from and apply critical theory, transformative learning, experiential learning, self-directed learning, and andragogy in their applied and/or participatory, action-oriented research. 

ADED 7385/ADED 6385Methods and Strategies in Adult Education


INEE 8325Research in Comparative Educational Systems of the World


INEE 8340Entrepreneurship


INEE 8347Economic Development for Entrepreneurship


INEE 8350Research in Entrepreneurship


ADED 7390/ADED 6390Practicum in Adult Education



INEE 8387International Internship



INEE 8388Domestic Internship



ADED 7387/ADED 6387Program Development in Adult Education



Approved Elective (3 Credit Hours)



ADED 7384/ADED 6384Contemporary Issues in Adult Education



INEE 8360Contemporary International Issues



Approved Elective (3 Credit Hours)


Total Credit Hours:30


6 hours of approved electives are also required.

Organization Leadership and Program Evaluation Concentration (30 hours—includes 6 elective course hours)

The Organizational Leadership and Program Evaluation concentration offers students a clear grounding in program evaluation and organizational leadership theories, practices, and methods. It does so by preparing students to apply program evaluation and leadership theories in their research and practice. The concentration expands beyond traditional research and evaluation practices to include action-oriented approaches and methodological innovation. 

EVAL 8310Program Evaluation Theory


EVAL 8320Program Evaluation Methods


EVAL 8390Program Evaluation Practicum



ORGL 8371Practicum in Organizational Leadership


ADED 7387/ADED 6387Program Development in Adult Education


ORGL 7351Learning Technologies and Organizational Change


ORGL 8360Organizational Theory and Culture


ORGL 8310Concepts of Leadership


ORGL 7348/EDUC 6348Applied Leadership and Followership


Total Credit Hours:30


6 hours of approved electives are also required.

Student Services and Higher Education Administration Concentration (30 hours—includes 3 elective course hours)

The Student Services and Higher Education Administration concentration provides students with a clear grounding in higher education and student services principles, practices, and methods. This prepares students to draw from and apply critical theory, transformative learning, experiential learning, self-directed learning, and andragogy in their research. This complements and provides a strong basis for Student Services and Higher Education’s focus on action research and methodological innovation. With an emphasis on collaborative learning, the concentration incorporates collegiality among and between students and faculty. Opportunities are available for learning through teaching, a practicum, and directed consultation and research.

EDUC 7303/EDUC 6303Counseling Techniques in Higher Education


EDUC 7334/EDUC 6334Leadership and Administration in Student Affairs


EDUC 7394/EDUC 6394Practicum in Student Affairs


EDUC 7372/EDUC 6372The College Environment



HIED 8350Contemporary Issues in Higher Education



Approved Elective (3 Credit Hours)


ADED 7387/ADED 6387Program Development in Adult Education



Approved Elective (3 Credit Hours)


HIED 8310History and Philosophy of Higher Education


HIED 8320Law in Higher Education


HIED 8330Finance in Higher Education


HIED 8340Strategic and Operational Planning in Higher Education


Total Credit Hours:30


3 hours of approved electives are also required.

Dissertation Phase

Students who successfully complete all coursework, pass the qualifying exam, and satisfy all requirements for candidacy are eligible to take the INDR 9300 dissertation writing course. INDR 9300 must be taken a minimum of three (3) times (9 credit hours) before their public defense. If students do not defend after nine (9) credit hours, they may repeat the INDR 9300 dissertation writing course until they have successfully completed their public defense.  

INDR 9300Dissertation Writing


Total Credit Hours:9

Students must enroll in a minimum of 9 dissertation hours to meet program requirements. If the dissertation is not completed after 9 credit hours, additional enrollments in INDR 9300 are required. 

Dissertation Candidacy Requirements

To qualify for candidacy and enrollment in dissertation writing courses, students must:

  • Complete the residency requirement of 45 hours of PhD coursework at UIW;

  • Successfully complete all required coursework as verified by the degree audit;

  • Successfully pass the qualifying exam;

  • Comply with the UIW continuous enrollment policy;

  • Complete any additional requirements as stipulated in the Doctoral Student Handbook in place at the time of candidacy.

NOTE: As stated in the PhD in Education degree plan, candidates are required to complete a minimum of nine dissertation writing hours, enrolling in INDR 9300 for three aggregate semesters. Continuous enrollment policy requires registration for fall and spring semesters, unless candidates have applied and been approved for a leave of absence. Summer enrollment in INDR 9300 is optional and requires approval from the dissertation chair.