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Entire Catalog
Programs of Study
I. The University of the Incarnate Word
II. Academic Programs and Services
III. Affiliations
IV. Undergraduate Admissions
V. Financial Information
VI Student-Success and Campus Life Programs
VII. Institutional Academic Policies
VIII. Undergraduate Programs
IX. Extended Academic Programs
X. Description of Courses (Main Campus)
ACCT - Business Accounting
ANGD - 3D Animation And Game Design
ANTH - Anthropology
ARAB - Arabic
ARTH - Art History
ARTS - Art
ATHP - Athletic Training Education
BFIN - Business Finance
BINT - Business International Business
BIOL - Biology
BLAW - Business Law
BMGT - Business Management
BMKT - Business Marketing
BPGM - Business Professional Golf Management
CHED - Community Health Education
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CIS - Computer Information Systems
CLRS - Clinical Research
CLST - Cultural Studies
COMM - Communication Arts
CRJU - Criminal Justice
CSEC - Cyber Security Systems
DANC - Dance
DATA - Data Science
DMTS - Design Media and Technology Studies
DWHP - Dimensions Of Wellness
ECON - Business Economics
EDSI - Education Science Instruction
EDUC - Education
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENSC - Environmental Science
FADS - Fashion Design
FMER - Fashion Merchandising
FMGT - Fashion Management
FREN - French
GDSN - Graphic Design
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GERM - German
GOVT - Political Science
HEBR - Hebrew
HIND - Hindi
HIST - History
HONP - Honors
INTD - Interior Design
INST - International Studies
IT - Italian
JAPN - Japanese
JUSP - Justice and Peace
KORE - Korean
LATN - Latin
LEAD - Leadership
MATH - Mathematics
MDHM - Medical Humanities
METR - Meteorology
MIS - Business Management Information
Modern - Modern Languages
MS - Military Science
MUAP - Applied Music Private Instruction
MUEN Music Ensemble
MUSI - Music
MUST - Music Industry Studies
MUTH - Music Therapy
NM - Nuclear Medicine Science
NMED - Nuclear Medicine Science
NURS - Nursing
NURS 4102
NURS 4182
NURS 4199
NURS 4221
NURS 4288
NURS 4299
NURS 4333
NURS 4348
NURS 4363
NURS 4388
NURS 4398
NURS 4399
NURS 4460
NURS 4531
NURS 4532
NURS 4541
NURS 4551
NURS 4562
NURS 4262
NURS 4265
NURS 4282
NURS 4313
NURS 4331
NURS 4332
NURS 4365
NURS 4415
NURS 4431
NURS 4441
NURS 4445
NURS 4462
NURS 4650
NUTR - Nutrition
OPT - Optometry
PEHP - Kinesiology
PHAR - Pre-Pharmacy
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PMIN - Pastoral Ministry
POLS - Political Science
PORT - Portuguese
PSYC - Psychology
PUBH Public Health
RELS - Religious Studies
REHS - Rehabilitative Sciences
RSCH - Research
RSPI - Pastoral Institute
SMHP - Sport Management
SOCI - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPCH - Speech
THAR - Theatre Arts
VISC - Vision Science
XI. Description of Courses (Extended Academic Programs)
XII. University Directory
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2020-2021 Catalog
X. Description of Courses (Main Campus)
NURS - Nursing
/ NURS 4333
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NURS 4333
Research in Nursing