Directed to Withdraw

Students at Connecticut College may be directed to withdraw (DW) from the College for the following reasons: 
  • Academics:  Students whose academic progress and/or grade point average falls below acceptable standards will be placed on Direct to Withdraw status after their records have been reviewed by the Committee on Academic Standing at the end of the semester.
  • Indebtedness:  Charges for comprehensive fees or other bills have remained unpaid and the student and family have not established and/or followed a payment plan.
  • Failure to submit proof of immunizations: The student has not submitted medical documentation of required immunizations.
  • Failure to abide by the Honor Code and Student Code of Conduct: Subsequent to student conduct procedures, the student is deemed by the adjudicating body (i.e., Honor Council, Dean’s Grievance, or Dean’s Adjudication) to have violated the Honor Code or Student Code of Conduct resulting in a suspension or expulsion (see the Student Handbook).   The College policies on exigent circumstances (e.g., serious crimes) and interim sanctions may also be invoked.


Prior to being directed to withdraw the student’s academic dean/ Dean of the College and/or the Dean of Students, as appropriate, may consult with other offices of the College as necessary and appropriate.

The student will be notified in writing of the decision for directed withdrawal. The student may request an appeal of the decision to the Dean of the College, the Dean of Students, or the appropriate committee; the appeals process will be delineated in the notice. 

A student directed to withdraw is subject to the same rules regarding financial aid and financial obligations that apply to students taking voluntary leave.  That is, a student may not participate in College activities until the first official day of the academic semester of returning unless given express permission by the Dean of the College or the Dean of Students, as appropriate and as outlined in the notice of directed withdrawal.