Teacher Certification Program

Connecticut College is accredited to offer teacher certification programs at the elementary and secondary levels. The program is accredited by the Connecticut State Department of Education and satisfies the requirements of many other states. Students contemplating preparation for teaching should confer with their academic advisers and with the education department during the first-year and begin planning their programs to allow for one semester during the senior year for student teaching and related teacher certification coursework. Transfer students should confer with the education department as soon as possible after arrival on campus.

Candidates for elementary teaching will devote either the first or second full semester of the senior year to student teaching, which will include Course 445 (student teaching, eight credits) and Course 450.

Candidates for secondary teaching will devote either the first or second full semester of the senior year to student teaching. The semester will include Course 457 (student teaching, eight credits) and Course 450.

It is important that students planning a teaching career become involved as early as possible in programs with children and youth of school age.

The education department will select students for the program on the basis of their general academic records, majors and seriousness of professional intent.

Applicants will prepare a tentative plan in consultation with academic or major advisers and with the education department. To meet all the requirements, some students may have to consider summer courses or over-pointing.

The general progression of a student’s courses will be as follows:

For The Elementary Program :

Education 103 (2 credits), 223, Human Development 111, 225; Education 304, 313, 341; and 450 in the senior year with student teaching (Education 445).

For The Secondary Program :

Education 103 (2 credits), 223, 225, 305; Human Development 225, 307; Education 450 in the senior year with student teaching (Education 457).