Special Students

Connecticut College recognizes several types of special students and, depending upon the circumstances, the application procedure will be initiated through the Office of the Registrar or the Dean of First-Year Students. For persons not already known to the College, the application procedure requires transcripts of record from the secondary school and/or the college(s) previously attended, as well as letters of recommendation. Applications and supporting credentials should be filed prior to the stated application deadline for the semester the student expects to enroll.

At the time of enrollment special students are not candidates for a degree from Connecticut College, although the credits subsequently earned may be transferred to other institutions with appropriate approval or, as a result of appropriate application to the admission office, may be included in the academic program of those who are admitted to a Connecticut College degree program. Special students are normally limited to two courses (eight semester hours) per semester and are not eligible for campus housing.

Space permitting, enrollment in courses will be approved in consultation with the departments and instructors concerned. Students who do not make satisfactory progress may be discouraged or denied the opportunity for further enrollment.

The following persons should apply directly to the Office of the Registrar:

  1. Space permitting, and if courses are available, some students who are degree candidates at other institutions may be granted a "guest" status in order to take courses for eventual transfer to the home institution. To ensure transfer of courses, the "guest" student should procure a letter from his/her dean or registrar to indicate which Connecticut College courses will be accepted by the home school. "Guest" students who take a full-time course load (12 or more semester hours) will be charged full tuition and may be considered for on-campus dormitory housing, subject to room availability. 2. When approved by the Committee on Academic Standing, some Connecticut College undergraduates may be temporarily reclassified from full-time to part-time status in order to continue studies toward the B.A. degree. The reclassification usually holds for only one semester; the degree candidate; tuition rate applies.
  2. When approved by appropriate officials at the participating institution, full-time undergraduate students from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Trinity College and Wesleyan University may enroll for one course in the single-course exchange program between Connecticut College and the participating institution.
  3. Alumni of Connecticut College may audit one undergraduate course each semester without charge if the course meets the College’s definition of audit. Enrollment is contingent upon the availability of space and the consent of the instructor. Requests for tuition remission for auditing should be made to the director of human resources.
  4. Tuition remission request forms should be submitted with the course registration form to the Office of the Registrar.
  5. Individuals who do not fall under the preceding categories, or who already have baccalaureate degrees, may enroll for courses if the educational background is suitable. Enrollment is contingent upon the availability of space and the consent of the instructor. Faculty and staff members of Connecticut College and their dependents who qualify for tuition remission will fall under this category. Questions regarding the tuition remission policy should be directed to the Office of Human Resources.

The following should apply directly to the Dean of First-Year Students:

1. Well-qualified high school juniors and seniors may take one or two courses per semester. They must be recommended by their high school principal or guidance counselor.