
3D Animation and Game Design—Bachelor of Fine Arts

Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts

Website: 3D Animation and Game Design

College/School: School of Media and Design

Apply to UIW: Application for 3D Animation and Game Design degree program

Concentrations: Animation · Modeling · Production Management · Game Programming

Bachelor of Fine Arts in 3D Animation and Game Design

The 3D Animation and Game Design (ANGD) program prepares students to pursue careers in the field of computer-generated animation in film, television, advertising, and games. Graduates find work as modelers, texture artists, animators, character animators, compositors, game programmers, production managers and game designers. In addition to layout, illustration, and cinematic skills, students learn professional production values and practices.

The goal of the ANGD program is to prepare students for a demanding and competitive field. Because of this competitiveness, the department must be selective and demanding in course work requirements and assessments. A student's success in this area depends on a solid foundation in modeling, form finding, texture painting, motion studies, animation mechanics, cinematic theory, problem solving ability, and/or software skills. Since the experiences and backgrounds of entering students vary widely, some students need additional time at the foundation level before they are ready for their concentration courses.

It is University policy that students must pass courses in their major with a minimum grade of C. Students who make a D or less must re-take their major courses. In the ANGD program, students may attempt each ANGD course twice.

Portfolio Review

The 3D Animation and Game industries are highly competitive and demanding. Finding work in this environment requires a strong portfolio that can compete in a national and international arena.

Understanding this reality, the ANGD department strives to help students find if they will be successful in this major as early as possible in their academic career. The first year of the curriculum is dedicated to giving students an overview of the varying areas and skills used in the 3D industry. At the end of the first year of study, all ANGD students are required to submit a portfolio of the work completed in the ANGD first-year core. Only upon passage of this Portfolio Review can students enter the Animation, Modeling, Programming for Games, or Production Managment concentrations and continue study within the major.

Portfolios are reviewed at the end of the first year. All transfer students who wish to start in the Modeling or Animation concentration classes must submit a portfolio at the scheduled portfolio review time the spring semester before they plan to attend. Since the number of applicants will vary each year, passing grades in first-year classes will not guarantee admission to the major.

Students who do not pass the portfolio review may resubmit a portfolio the following year. Students who plan on resubmitting a portfolio for review should retake some or all of the first-year courses to enhance their portfolio.

Please note that acceptance to the University does not guarantee admission to the ANGD major.


The 3D Animation and Game Design program offers four concentrations: Animation, Modeling, Production Management, and Programming. The Bachelor of Fine Arts program requires completion of 120 credit hours in each concentration.


The 3D Animation and Game Design department offers minors in Game Programming and Production Management. Students do not need to be enrolled in the 3D Animation and Game Design program to enroll in the minors. 

Degree Plan

Students may complete the 3D Animation and Game Design program in one of four concentrations: Animation, Modeling, Production Management, and Programming. The Bachelor of Fine Arts in 3D Animation and Game Design program requires completion of 120 credit hours in each concentration.

Animation Concentration

Through classes like Anatomy for Animators, Motion Capture, History of Animation, and our Animation I-IV series, students learn more about the connection between the story, performance, movement and mechanics for film and games.

UIW Undergraduate Core Curriculum

UIW core coursework is required. Review the Undergraduate Core Curriculum Here and review the degree plans for each concentration for scheduling of the core curriculum classwork. In addition, 45 Community Service hours are part of all bachelor's degree programs. See Community Service.


UIW Core Curriculum 
 Composition and Rhetoric  6 credit hours 
 Literature and Art 6 credit hours 
 Science and Mathematics 7 credit hours 
 History and Behavioral Science 6 credit hours 
 Philosophy and Religion  9 credit hours 
 Second Language  6 credit hours 
 Wellness and Physical Education  3 credit hours
  43 total core credit hours
 Community Service  45 clock hours (non-credit) 
Total Credit Hours:43

ANGD Core Courses

ANGD 1101Orientation to Animation and Game Design


ANGD 1302Elements of Design

ANGD 1312Hard Surface Modeling


ANGD 1313Game Engines


ANGD 1314Organic Modeling


ANGD 1315Principles of Animation


ANGD 2330History of Animation


ANGD 3315Visual Narrative Conventions


ANGD 3330History of Games


ANGD 4100Animation Industry Seminar


ANGD 4140Senior Thesis Workshop


ANGD 4305Senior Portfolio


ANGD 4340Business of Animation and Game Design


ANGD 4350Senior Thesis Production I

ANGD 4360Senior Thesis Production II

Total Credit Hours:39

The Animation Industry Seminar, ANGD 4100, is taken six times, the fall and spring of years 2, 3, and 4 in the program.

Animation Concentration Courses

ANGD 1380Anatomy for the Animator


ANGD 2321Technical Direction


ANGD 2340Animation I


ANGD 2342Animation II


ANGD 3325Figure Drawing


ANGD 3341Animation III


ANGD 3342Animation IV


ANGD 3343Motion Capture for Animators


ANGD 3344Previsualization and Storytelling


THAR 2324Stage Movement


THAR 2330Performance for Animators


Total Credit Hours:33

Modeling Concentration

Through a series of courses on both Character Modeling and Environment modeling, students learn about the processes and pipelines to creating the environments and characters of games and film. From box modeling, to procedural modeling, to digital sculpting, students gain the knowledge of industry-standard workflows to the worlds players and viewers inhabit.

UIW Undergraduate Core Curriculum

UIW core coursework is required. Review the Undergraduate Core Curriculum Here and review the degree plans for each concentration for scheduling of the core curriculum classwork. In addition, 45 Community Service hours are part of all bachelor's degree programs. See Community Service.


UIW Core Curriculum 
 Composition and Rhetoric  6 credit hours 
 Literature and Art 6 credit hours 
 Science and Mathematics 7 credit hours 
 History and Behavioral Science 6 credit hours 
 Philosophy and Religion  9 credit hours 
 Second Language  6 credit hours 
 Wellness and Physical Education  3 credit hours
  43 total core credit hours
 Community Service  45 clock hours (non-credit) 
Total Credit Hours:43

ANGD Core Courses

ANGD 1101Orientation to Animation and Game Design


ANGD 1302Elements of Design

ANGD 1312Hard Surface Modeling


ANGD 1313Game Engines


ANGD 1314Organic Modeling


ANGD 1315Principles of Animation


ANGD 2330History of Animation


ANGD 3315Visual Narrative Conventions


ANGD 3330History of Games


ANGD 4100Animation Industry Seminar


ANGD 4140Senior Thesis Workshop


ANGD 4305Senior Portfolio


ANGD 4340Business of Animation and Game Design


ANGD 4350Senior Thesis Production I

ANGD 4360Senior Thesis Production II

Total Credit Hours:39

The Animation Industry Seminar, ANGD 4100, is taken six times, the fall and spring of years 2, 3, and 4 in the program.

Modeling Concentration Coursework

ANGD 1380Anatomy for the Animator


ANGD 2321Technical Direction


ANGD 2333Environment Production Arts I


ANGD 2334Environment Production Arts II


ANGD 2341Period Styles


ANGD 2361Character Modeling I


ANGD 3325Figure Drawing


ANGD 3331Environmental Production Arts III


ANGD 3332Environmental Production Arts IV


ANGD 3334Procedural Modeling


ANGD 3361Character Modeling II


Total Credit Hours:33

Production Management Concentration

The best of the technique and skill of animation and the production administration of management are emphasized in the Production Management Concentration. Students also learn more about managing projects and productions for different mediums from computer games, to virtual reality projects, to mobile projects, to name a few.

UIW Undergraduate Core Curriculum

UIW core coursework is required. Review the Undergraduate Core Curriculum Here and review the degree plans for each concentration for scheduling of the core curriculum classwork. In addition, 45 Community Service hours are part of all bachelor's degree programs. See Community Service.


UIW Core Curriculum 
 Composition and Rhetoric  6 credit hours 
 Literature and Art 6 credit hours 
 Science and Mathematics 7 credit hours 
 History and Behavioral Science 6 credit hours 
 Philosophy and Religion  9 credit hours 
 Second Language  6 credit hours 
 Wellness and Physical Education  3 credit hours
  43 total core credit hours
 Community Service  45 clock hours (non-credit) 
Total Credit Hours:43

ANGD Core Courses

ANGD 1101Orientation to Animation and Game Design


ANGD 1302Elements of Design

ANGD 1312Hard Surface Modeling


ANGD 1313Game Engines


ANGD 1314Organic Modeling


ANGD 1315Principles of Animation


ANGD 2330History of Animation


ANGD 3315Visual Narrative Conventions


ANGD 3330History of Games


ANGD 4100Animation Industry Seminar


ANGD 4140Senior Thesis Workshop


ANGD 4305Senior Portfolio


ANGD 4340Business of Animation and Game Design


Total Credit Hours:33

The Animation Industry Seminar, ANGD 4100, is taken six times, the fall and spring of years 2, 3, and 4 in the program.

Production Management Concentration Courses

ANGD 1380Anatomy for the Animator


ANGD 2351Production Management I


ANGD 2352Production Management II


ANGD 2353Modeling and Texture Pipeline


ANGD 2355Animation Pipeline


ANGD 3351Production Management III


ANGD 3352Production Management IV


ANGD 4150Senior Thesis Production Management I


ANGD 4151Senior Thesis Production Management II


COMM 1301Introduction to Mass Communication


COMM 1311Public Speaking


COMM 2320Audio Production I


COMM 4315Media Ethics


COMM 4332Law and the Media


3 Credit Elective

Total Credit Hours:41

Programming Concentration

An interdisciplinary concentration, Programming integrates mathematics courses, programming languages and deep study into the technical mechanics of advanced game systems, including augmented reality, virtual reality, animation, and emerging technologies, and ultimately prepares students to develop game professionally.

UIW Undergraduate Core Curriculum

UIW core coursework is required. Review the Undergraduate Core Curriculum Here and review the degree plans for each concentration for scheduling of the core curriculum classwork. In addition, 45 Community Service hours are part of all bachelor's degree programs. See Community Service.


UIW Core Curriculum 
 Composition and Rhetoric  6 credit hours 
 Literature and Art 6 credit hours 
 Science and Mathematics 7 credit hours 
 History and Behavioral Science 6 credit hours 
 Philosophy and Religion  9 credit hours 
 Second Language  6 credit hours 
 Wellness and Physical Education  3 credit hours
  43 total core credit hours
 Community Service  45 clock hours (non-credit) 
Total Credit Hours:43

ANGD Core Courses

ANGD 1101Orientation to Animation and Game Design


ANGD 1302Elements of Design

ANGD 1312Hard Surface Modeling


ANGD 1313Game Engines


ANGD 1314Organic Modeling


ANGD 1315Principles of Animation


ANGD 2330History of Animation


ANGD 3315Visual Narrative Conventions


ANGD 3330History of Games


ANGD 4100Animation Industry Seminar


ANGD 4140Senior Thesis Workshop


ANGD 4305Senior Portfolio


ANGD 4340Business of Animation and Game Design


ANGD 4350Senior Thesis Production I

ANGD 4360Senior Thesis Production II

Total Credit Hours:39

The Animation Industry Seminar, ANGD 4100, is taken six times, the fall and spring of years 2, 3, and 4 in the program.

Programming Concentration Courses

ANGD 2321Technical Direction


ANGD 2371Game Programming I


ANGD 2372Game Programming II


ANGD 3371Game Programming III


ANGD 3372Game Programming IV


CIS 2330Programming Languages I


CIS 3330Programming Languages II


MATH 1306College Geometry


MATH 1311Precalculus


MATH 2322Linear Algebra


PHYS 1301General Physics I


Total Credit Hours:33

Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's

Degrees: Bachelor of Science and Master of Science


Apply to UIW: Application for the Accelerated Bachelor to Master's in 3D Animation and Game Design


The Accelerated Bachelors to Masters (ABM) program in the department of 3D Animation & Game Design provides students with a cost- and time-effective means of completing both an undergraduate Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) and Master of Game Develop (MGD) degree. The ABM does this by allowing students to begin taking some of the graduate-level courses while still an undergraduate student. Further, some of the upper-level undergraduate courses are counted using the MGD's Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) mechanism. Graduates of the ABM will graduate with both the BFA and MGD and be prepared for work in the video game industry or a career in 3D education pathways.