Religious Studies Minor


1. 9 semester hours from the following:

RELS 1305Introduction to Theology and Ethics

RELS 1315Origins of Christianity

RELS 1325The Religious Quest

RELS 1335Spirituality and Prayer

2. 9 additional semester upper-division hours

The minor in Religious Studies is recommended both for students interested in religious education and/or church ministry, and for those wishing to augment their academic background in the area to support the liberal arts dimension of their chosen professional career (e.g., law, medicine, business).

Students who plan to pursue the major in Religious Studies must formally apply and be admitted as a major as soon as possible upon the completion of 30 semester hours, at least 15 of which must be from the University of the Incarnate Word. To be eligible for admission to the RELS major, a student must have at least a 2.25 cumulative GPA. Without special arrangements, RELS courses taken before 1990 or courses taken at a non-catholic institution will not fulfill the 36 hour requirement for a major or the 18 hour requirement for the minor. Lower division classes are at the 1000 and 2000 levels, and upper division classes are at the 3000 and 4000 levels.

Students interested in a major or minor in RELS should consult with the Chair of the Department of Religious Studies.