Psychology B.A.
Recommended Sequence of Courses in the major: For a current degree sequence, please visit the department's website.
49-59 semester hours in Psychology as follows:
1. 37 semester hours of required core courses:
2. 12-22 hours selected from one of four options:
Option A: General Psychology (12 hours)
PSYC 4359 | Directed Practicum/Internship | |
| 9 semester hours of Psychology electives | |
Option B: Child and Adolescent Psychology (12 hours)
SOCI 3343 | Sociology of the Family | |
PSYC 4330 | Developmental Psychopathology | |
PSYC 4359 | Directed Practicum/Internship | |
| 3 semester hours of Psychology electives | |
Option C: Addiction Prevention Specialist/Community Psychology (22 hours)
This option leads to eligibility for certification as a "certified prevention specialist" in Texas. Tthe option comprises 22 credit hours. No minor is required for this concentration. In addition to the psychology core for the major, these courses are required:
PSYC 3325 | Drugs and Modern Society | |
| or | |
PSYC 3340 | Drug Use Prevention and Community Psychology | |
| | |
PSYC 3465 | Drug Use Prevention and Interventions | |
| | |
PSYC 4380 | Psychometrics | |
| or | |
PSYC 4381 | Advanced Statistics | |
| | |
PSYC 4398
| | |
| | |
PSYC 4490 | Drug Use Prevention, Community Interventions, and Criminal Justice Internship | |
| or | |
CRJU 4490 | Drug Use Prevention and Interventions | |
Option D: Experimental Psychology (22 hours)**
**NO MINOR REQUIRED with Option D; students will be directed toward the combination of courses that will best prepare them for their post-graduation goals
3. All Psychology majors
EXCEPT those choosing to follow Option C (Addiction Prevention Specialist-Community Psychology) or D (Experimental ) are required to have a minor another discipline. The semester hours of the minor will vary according to the discipline. A minor is not required for students who pursue a double-major in Psychology and another discipline on the Bachelor of Arts degree.
Students pursuing a B.A. in this main-campus academic program must take their courses from the main campus Department of Psychology course offerings, not Psychology courses offered through Extended Academic Programs (e.g., Virtual University).