
MUAP Course Descriptions

MUSI Course Descriptions

MUST Course Descriptions

MUTH Course Descriptions 

The faculty and students in the Department of Music at the University of the Incarnate Word share three underlying goals, inspired by the university’s history as a liberal arts institution, its mission, and its spiritual traditions. First, we seek to deepen our understanding of music through study, performance, and the creation of new music. Students develop a strong foundation in music theory, aural skills, and basic keyboard technique while exploring their own creativity through composition and improvisation and pursuing higher-level study of voice or a musical instrument. Second, we examine how music has functioned in different cultures, considering in detail both the long and rich history of Euro-American concert traditions and a variety of other music cultures. Third, we work to enrich our lives and the lives we touch outside the university through music. Students pursue this third goal in different ways, according to the focus of their chosen degrees, but are invited by the faculty to conceive of music as a vital form of communication that lends itself to self-improvement and service to others.

Policies, Auditions, Scholarships: For the most up to date and detailed information about the degrees, auditions, scholarships, faculty, ensembles, and policies, visit the UIW Department of Music web site (

NOTE: All students wishing to major or minor in music are required to audition for conditional entrance to the program. Contact the music department (210-829-3855, for audition and advising.

Students may major in music, double major in music and some other discipline, or minor in music (see requirements for the minor). Music majors may choose from among six different degree plans.

  • Bachelor of Music in Music Education with a Minor in All Level Education
  • Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy
  • Bachelor of Music in Composition
  • Bachelor of Arts in Music
  • Bachelor of Arts in Music with an Emphasis in Performance
  • Bachelor of Arts in Music with an Emphasis in Music Industries Studies