Student Handbook 2016 - 2017

Sexual Harassment

Anyone, faculty, staff or student having a complaint involving alleged sexual harassment shall notify the Vice President for Student Affairs.

  1. The VP for Student Affairs shall select (or serve as) an investigator.
  2. The investigator will interview the complainant and the alleged perpetrator separately.
  3. The investigator will interview any witnesses named.
  4. The investigator will make a decision based on all the interviews as to whether sexual harassment occurred, and if so, make a recommendation as to a penalty or response to be imposed.
  5. The investigator will inform the college President of the results of the investigation and the proposed response or disciplinary action.
  6. The college President will inform the alleged perpetrator of the results of the investigation and any disciplinary action to be taken (if complaint is justified).
  7. The VP for Student Affairs will inform the complainant of the outcome of the investigation.

The school is adamantly opposed to inappropriate workplace behavior, including unlawful harassment, retaliation, and it will take effective efforts to stop such behaviors. Since the school can only take action to stop such behavior if it is aware of the behavior, it is crucial that you seek assistance.

Please seek assistance if you feel that you have been personally harassed, discriminated against, or have been retaliated against by any fellow student or any WGTC faculty or staff member, regardless of his or her level of authority at the school.