Student Handbook 2016 - 2017

Campus Safety and Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Building and Grounds Security - Security personnel are located at all campuses. Damage of any nature to school property, whether willful or otherwise, will be reported upon detection to the Vice President of Administrative Services. The name(s) of the person(s) responsible will be submitted, if known. Any break-ins will be reported without delay, whether damage is noted or not. Care will be taken to avoid disturbing prints and other evidence.

If there is a serious accident or disaster, a case of vandalism, break-in, or unusual damage to buildings and equipment, the administrative office will first contact the local police and then prepare a written report, giving a brief statement of the circumstances of the incident and listing equipment and supplies damaged or stolen.

Fire Evacuation Plan - In the event of a fire; faculty, staff, and students will follow the established evacuation procedure.

  1. Fire Alarm Emergency Signal sounded (check with your instructor for specific signals on each campus).
  2. Students and instructors will proceed to their designated assembly area when the alarm is sounded. Disabled students who are limited in mobility will be assigned a partner by the instructor and/or the person in charge.
  3. Classroom and lab doors/windows will be closed by the instructor and/or persons designated.
  4. All equipment will be turned off at the time the alarm sounds.
  5. No one will return to the building until the return signal is given.
  6. After students are assembled at a designated area outside the building, roll call will be conducted. Instructors will report the status of roll call to the administrator in charge of the area.
  7. The “ALL CLEAR” will be indicated.
  8. Word to dismiss (or close the college) will be passed personally by the president or his/her designee.

Tornado Evacuation Plan - In the event of severe weather; faculty, staff, and students will follow the established evacuation procedure.

  1. Tornado Emergency Signal will be sounded (check with your instructor for specific signals on each campus).
  2. Students and instructors will proceed to the designated posted areas.
  3. Leave area immediately. Do not take time to close windows and doors.
  4. Instructors will ensure that all students proceed to the designated area.
  5. Sit down against interior wall and cover head, if possible.
  6. No one will return to the area until the return signal is given.

Bomb Threat Procedures - Personal announcement to evacuate will be made by staff. Students and staff will evacuate using institutional fire evacuation routes. Students and other individuals should be assembled by class and/or group at a distance of 500 feet from the buildings. “All clear” signal will be indicated when it is safe to re-enter the building.

Health Services/Emergencies - First aid kits, safety equipment, and staff trained in first aid are available on campus. In the event of injury or other medical emergency, the nearest instructor or first aid monitor should be notified. Professional emergency care, if needed, will be secured by an administrator. In case of serious accident or illness, the college will refer the student to the nearest hospital for emergency care and will notify the person specified by the student as their emergency contact.

It is to be understood that the student or his/her family will be responsible for the cost of emergency care, including ambulance services. An incident report must be filed with the office of the Vice President of Administrative Services. Students should always follow the emergency procedures posted in each classroom, lab and office.

Traffic and Parking Regulations - Regulations are designed to make traffic and parking on campus as safe and convenient as possible. Regulations apply to all students and College employees.

The following are violations of school policy as well as county and state laws:

  1. exceeding speed limit posted;
  2. parking in illegal, restricted, or reserved zones;
  3. parking on lawns or walks;
  4. driving on sidewalks, walkways, shrubs, or lawn;
  5. backing into parking space (front parking only);
  6. running a stop sign; and
  7. any other violation of county and state laws.

These regulations are in effect 24 hours a day.

Violations can be enforced and are subject to penalties and fines as imposed by county and state laws. Hazardous and improperly parked vehicles may be towed at the owner's expense.