System of Grading

A and A- Indicate a superior grasp of the subject matter of the course, initiative and originality in attacking problems, and ability to relate knowledge to new situations.
B+, B, and B- Indicate better than average grasp of the subject matter of the course and ability to apply principles with intelligence.
C+ and C Indicate an acceptable grasp of the essentials of the course.
D+, D, and D- Indicate less than average performance in the course.
F Indicates failure to master the minimum essentials of the course. The course must be repeated.
IP Indicates that the student’s achievement in the course has been satisfactory, but for some good reason certain prescribed work is incomplete or the student has been unable to take the final examination. On satisfactory completion of the course, the student will receive the grade that the quality of his or her performance merits. If the work is not made up within six months, the IP will revert to a grade of F. The grade of IP will not be computed in the GPA.
N Indicates that no grade has been reported. This is usually not a permanent grade and rarely appears on a transcript.
Pass/Fail Students may take as many as four courses on a pass-fail basis. Courses completed by pass-fail will count as elective courses and will not satisfy requirements for the Core, the major, minor, interdisciplinary concentrations, specializations, or support work. Such courses, if passed, will be counted toward graduation, but will not be considered in computing the GPA. A minimum grade of C is needed to receive credit in a Pass/Fail course. Freshmen are not permitted to take courses on a Pass/Fail basis.
S Indicates satisfactory completion of course requirements. Reserved for specific courses (e.g. thesis, dissertation, internships, etc.). Grade counts toward graduation requirements but not toward GPA calculation.
W Indicates that the student has officially withdrawn from the course or the University.

Once grades are recorded, grades other than IP cannot be changed, except in the case of instructor error. In no case may a grade other than IP be changed without the permission of the school/college Dean. Additional work performed by a student may not be used to raise a grade that has been recorded by the Registrar. If course work has not been completed within six months, the IP grade will be turned to a grade of F. Grades are presumed to be correct when entered on the student’s record. Questions regarding the accuracy of the grade must be raised within one calendar year. Grades are not subject to challenge after one year and will not be changed.

Students who have concerns about academic issues should contact the Dean of Student Success. Students with questions or concerns about their courses or grades should follow the student complaint policy in the Student Handbook.