NMED 4545 Principles of PET and PET/CT

This course is a clinical and didactic course which offers an emphasis on cross-sectional anatomy and the applications of PET and PET/CT imaging which include myocardial perfusion and viability, tumor localization, cancer staging, therapy planning, and response to therapy by providing an in-depth investigation of the principles as well as benefits and limitations of Positron Emitting Tomography (PET) and PET/CT (Computed Tomography) imaging and image fusion. In this course the student is required to complete a 120 hour clinical practicum off campus. Topics include: image acquisition, cross sectional anatomy, detector components and design, image fusion, radionuclide tracer production, tracer localization and their computer applications, patient preparation and case review. The primary focus of this course is to increase skill level and productivity in PET and PET/CT imaging.




BIOL 2321 AND (BIOL 2121 OR BIOL 2121L) AND (CHEM 1301 AND CHEM 1101 AND CHEM 1302 AND CHEM 1102 OR CHEM 1203L) AND PHYS 1301 AND PHYS 1101 AND PHYS 1302 AND PHYS 1102 AND MATH 2303 AND MATH 1311. NMED 2420 AND NMED 3210. Admission to the Major is required as well as completion of immunization requirements, CPR/First Aid and a criminal background check.

