Need-Based Loans

  • University Loans are offered to first-year undergraduate students. Repayment begins nine months after a student falls below half time enrollment or graduates from the university. During repayment, the interest rate accrues at 5 percent annually.
  • Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loans are funded by the federal government and can be borrowed up to the federal limits based on student status (please see Direct Loan Limit Chart below). Students pay an origination fee, which is deducted from the total accepted amount of the loan. Repayment begins six months after a student falls below half time enrollment.Interest rates and loan fees are updated annually and are hosted by Federal Student Aid.
  • CA Dream Loans are provided to eligible undocumented AB 540 to help cover the cost of attending UC. The CA Dream loan program is funded by the state and UC, and aims to close that gap and provide eligible students with the opportunity to borrow student loans to help pay for their education. Repayment begins nine months after a student falls below half-time enrollment or graduates from the university. During repayment, the interest rate accrues at 5 percent annually.