Latin American and Latino Studies Minor

The minor in Latin American and Latino studies requires seven LALS courses: two lower-division courses and five upper-division courses. Students are eligible to declare the minor as soon as they've completed any one course in LALS.

Course Requirements

Lower-Division Courses

One LALS introductory course

LALS 1Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies


LALS 10Introduction to Chicanx & Latinx Studies


LALS 5Introduction to Human Rights and Social Justice


Plus one lower-division elective

One 5-credit course chosen from LALS 1-99 including additional LALS introductory courses (LALS 1, LALS 5, or LALS 10). Students may also review the list of pre-approved outside electives found in the Course Substitution Policy. A maximum of two courses taken outside of the LALS Department at UC Santa Cruz may be used toward minor requirements.

Upper-Division Courses

Students choose one of the core courses, LALS 100 or LALS 100A (which is taken concurrently with LALS 100L, the writing lab) and four upper-division electives.

Upper-Division Core Course

Either this course

LALS 100Concepts and Theories in Latin American and Latina/o Studies


or these courses

LALS 100AResearch in LALS


LALS 100LResearch in LALS Lab


Four Upper-Division Electives

Four additional 5-credit upper-division electives chosen from LALS 100-194. This can include an additional core course (LALS 100 or 100A/LALS 100L, whichever was not used above), or one or more senior seminars (LALS 194A-Z), space permitting. Students may also review the list of pre-approved outside electives found in the Course Substitution Policy. A maximum of two courses taken outside of the LALS Department at UC Santa Cruz may be used toward minor requirements.

Global Learning

The LALS Department encourages students to participate in Global Learning programs whenever possible. We offer a summer Global Internship program in Buenos Aires, Argentina, that satisfies an elective requirement in LALS. And there are many other learning programs offered throughout the academic year in: California, Washington, D.C., Latin America, and elsewhere across the globe. Find out more on the Global Learning website or visit their offices on campus.

Course Substitution Policy

Students may use up to two courses taken outside the LALS department at UC Santa Cruz toward minor requirements. This includes courses taken at UC Santa Cruz in non-LALS departments and all courses taken at other institutions, including through study abroad programs. Students may review a list of pre-approved substitutions that satisfy the lower- and upper-division elective requirements. Students may contact the undergraduate advisor to inquire about additional courses that may be approved to count as electives or if they plan to study abroad. Transfer students who have completed LALS-related work prior to transfer should contact the undergraduate advisor to ask about transfer credit.