Applied Mathematics Option


In response to the growing demand of professionals with particular training and skills in mathematics for the industry, the economy, finances and trade, the Departments of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering offer the Applied Mathematics Option to complement the training of future graduates in areas such as optimization, statistics and operations research. This Option is aimed at all students of the University who are interested in the methods and foundations necessary to tackle problems of statistics and optimization that arise in industry, economy, trade and finances.G14


The objective of the joint Option in Applied Mathematics is to complement the training of future professionals in order for them to be able to tackle specific problems in the industry whose methods and concepts have a strictly mathematical foundation. These include the design of marketing strategies, inventory administration, industrial process control, financial risk administration, the prediction of economic indices, etc. This Option is coordinated together with the Department of Industrial Engineering.

Program Structure

As regards curricular content, this joint Option consists of one mandatory course (3 credits) and five elective courses (15 credits), for a total of 18 credits. Elective courses are arranged in three segments known as the Basic Level, the Fundamental Level and the Advanced Level:

  • Basic Level: These are basic training courses in mathematics, probability and statistics. At this level, students are expected to acquire basic training in mathematics, probability and statistics that will enable them to delve into the fields of application of their interest.
  • Fundamental Level: These courses are based on the fundamentals, methods and applications of optimization, statistics, operations research, mathematical economics and the analysis of random signals. At this level, students can choose a specific field of application, within which they are expected to acquire the skills to solve the specific models used in engineering, economics, finances, administration or other technical or professional activities.
  • Advanced Level: These courses are based on advanced topics. At this level, students will study the area of application of their interest in more academic depth. This can be useful to learn more about the theoretic fundamentals or increase their understanding of the techniques and possibilities of application of the area chosen. These courses are aimed at Optimization, Statistics, Finances, Operations Research and other applications.

The joint Option has two systems of study known as Alternative 1 and Alternative 2. The first is designed for students whose program of study has less mathematical content and the second is designed for students whose program has a higher mathematical content.

  • ALTERNATIVA 1: For students of Biology and the Schools of Medicine, Social Sciences, Law, Architecture and Design, Arts and Humanities and Administration.
  • Students in this group must take three basic courses (9 credits), two fundamental courses (6 credits) and the MATE 2713 course: Development of Mathematical Models (3 credits).
  • ALTERNATIVE 2: For students from the Schools of Engineering, Economics and Sciences (except for Biology).
  • Students in this group must take three fundamental courses (9 credits), two advanced courses (6 credits) and the MATE 2713 course: Development of Mathematical Models (3 credits).


Cursos Obligatorios

Cursos Electivos

MATE-1102Matemática Estructural


MATE-1105Capitalism and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy


MATE-1203Calculo Diferencial


MATE-1207Calculo Vectorial


MATE-2301Ecuaciones Diferenciales


IIND-2103Principios de Optimización


IIND-2104Modelos Probabilísticos


IIND-2105Discreet Events Simulation


IIND-2301Dinámica de Sistemas


MATE-1107Algebra Lineal II


Alternativa 2

Program Structure

Cursos Obligatorios

Cursos Electivos

IIND-2103Principios de Optimización


IIND-2104Modelos Probabilísticos


IIND-2105Discreet Events Simulation


IIND-2301Dinámica de Sistemas


MATE-1107Algebra Lineal II


IIND-4100Modelos Estadísticos Lineales


IIND-4101Optimizacion Avanzada


IIND-4102Métodos Estadísticos Multivariados


IIND-4200Modelos de Control de Producción


MATE-3302Ecuaciones de la Física Matemática



  • Se recomienda hacer esta elección bajo el consejo y supervisión de un profesor comprometido con el programa.
  • Después de tomar los tres cursos fundamentales, el estudiante debe realizar el curso Desarrollo de modelos matemáticos (MATE 2713) y, finalmente, tomar los dos cursos avanzados.
  • Los alumnos interesados en la Opción conjunta deben tener especial cuidado al elaborar su plan de estudios, porque no pueden configurarlo empleando materias obligatorias de su propia carrera o materias equivalentes a éstas. Tampoco se aceptará con la Opción en Matemáticas Aplicadas ni con materias de la Opción en Matemáticas.
  • Las materias propias del programa, en su mayoría, constan de tres créditos, a excepción de algunos de los cursos avanzados, que pueden tener cuatro créditos.
  • El estudiante puede elegir entre todos los cursos dictados por el Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial que tengan contenido de Matemáticas y todos los dictados por el Departamento de Matemáticas, siempre y cuando no hagan parte de las materias obligatorias del programa de la carrera que sigue el estudiante interesado en la Opción.
  • En casos especiales, los cursos dictados por otros departamentos, que correspondan a los objetivos de la Opción, pueden ser considerados por el Comité para hacer parte de ésta. En dichos casos, el estudiante debe cumplir con los prerrequisitos de los cursos que quiere tomar.

Further information:

Contact: Rene Meziat

Contact Position: Director Departamento de Matemáticas

Contact e-mail:

Liaison at the School or Department