Theater Studies Option
The purpose of this Option is to provide a panorama of some of the most important moments in the history of theater or the most representative authors. The central point is theater as the art of representation, and other aspects regarding problems in show business: stages, props, acting issues, directors, etc. Differences and similarities with other dramatic arts will be established.
Program Structure
Students must take five courses (15 credits) from the theater area, among the courses offered by the Department in ancient theater and contemporaneous theater or enroll in the theater group.
Cursos Electivos
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LITE-2606 | Taller de Dramaturgia | 3 |
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In order to take the course Theater Group (HUMA 1216), students must first take the Introductory Acting course (HUMA 1215).
Students taking Theater Group (HUMA 1216) among their elective courses may complete the Option requirement with 14 credits, as this is a two-credit course
None of the courses of this Option are mandatory.
Further information:
Contact: María Victoria González
Contact Position: Coordinadora Académica Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura
Contact e-mail:
Liaison at the School or Department