Japanese Language and Culture Option
The Japanese Language and Culture Option is aimed at students from other departments of the University who are interested in learning about the Japanese language and culture. This option plays a role in academic instruction, personal enrichment and training to function in contemporaneous scenarios.
Program Structure
This Option consists of five courses (15 credits), including mandatory and elective courses.
Cursos Obligatorios
Cursos Electivos
| | |
LENG-1427B | Language Contemporaneous Japanese Film | 3 |
- Admission to this Option and the specification of the program will be determined based on the results of a placement exam.
- In the event that a student classifies at a higher level, he/she may complete the language sequence by taking Japanese 4 (LENG 1404) and Japanese 5 (LENG 1405) or take two Japanese courses (Code LENG).
Further information:
Contact: Pregrado en Lenguajes y Estudios Socioculturales
Contact Position: Pregrado en Lenguajes y Estudios Socioculturales
Contact e-mail: pregleng@uniandes.edu.co
Liaison at the School or Department