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7/27/2021 10:15:49 AM

Selective Requirements for Allied Health and Nursing

Admission procedure for Allied Health programs:

  1. Students are strongly encouraged to attend an information session to learn more about specific programs.
  2. Complete the application for general admission online. Applicants will receive a general acceptance letter from Director of Admissions, this is not a letter of acceptance to the Allied Health programs. In addition, to the Triton College application, a student is required to complete an application for each Allied Health program he/she is applying to.
  3. Submit official transcript of high school graduation or GED certificate and official transcripts of completed college coursework, if applicable. Students with foreign transcripts must have them evaluated by an independent credentialing agency before submitting them to the college Record's department.
  4. Take the college placement exams. The college placement test is mandatory for new students enrolling in credit courses, except when college transcripts show successful completion of Math and English courses. Each program determines their own acceptable placement scores.
  5. Complete the New Student Orientation - mandatory for all new students. If online orientation completed, the student must meet with a counselor to register for classes.
  6. Meet with an advisor and register for prerequisite classes. Students may complete program prerequisites and general education requirements before seeking admission into Allied Health programs. Students are expected to seek advising to develop an Academic Plan of coursework for each semester. All Math, Science and Allied Health prerequisite courses require a grade of "C" or higher within 5 years of the start of the program.
  7. Admission selection is based upon successful completion of prerequisite courses, as well as additional coursework towards the A.A.S. degree or certificate.
  8. Selective enrollment programs have implemented rolling admission with applicants being evaluated and considered according to the following deadlines: September 15th, January 15th, March 15th, and June 1st, only if seats remain available for fall admission.
  9. Receive acceptance letter or denial letter from the Health Careers Information Specialist for the specific program chosen. The Admission Committee of each program establishes criteria for program acceptance. Admission is based on completion of program prerequisites, when required, and ranking on a rating scale. Points are given for grades in completed coursework for prerequisites and general education. Minimum cumulative Grade Point Averages are established by each program.
  10. Attend the program-specific Allied Health orientation and registration session.
  11. Submit a completed physician's history and physical form with required documentation of functional physical condition and required immunizations, and proof of active BLS for Healthcare Providers and a valid health insurance to the appropriate Department Chairperson prior to the first clinical course. Continued health insurance coverage and documentation of valid health status is the responsibility of the student and must be maintained throughout the period of enrollment in any Health Career Program. Students are responsible for any incurred medical expenses. Additional requirements may be needed to comply with clinical agency policies.

Note: Any applicant to the clinical portions of Health Career programs who is afflicted with epilepsy or any other condition that causes loss of consciousness or otherwise may impair his/her ability to perform will furnish the Office of the Dean of Health Careers with a verified statement from a licensed physician to the effect that the applicant’s condition does not pose a direct health or safety threat or significant risk to the student, patients, hospital staff or others in the Health Career program or clinical facility. In addition, the applicant will agree to remain under the care of a physician and follow treatment as prescribed. Furthermore, each applicant’s physician must report immediately to the College any change in the applicant’s ability to function safely in the clinical portion of the program. Any default in this agreement will constitute cause for the removal of the student from the clinical portion of the program.

Advanced Placement

The Admission Committee of the specific program, using established program criteria, will evaluate requests for advanced placement on an individual basis.

Progression and Retention

  1. A grade-point average of 2.0 is required for progression in all programs.
  2. A "C" grade or higher within the last five years is required for progression in all required Science, Math and major Health Career courses to count towards graduation requirements.
  3. All clinical components or clinical courses must be completed with a minimum grade of "P," "C" or "S," dependent on the grading system used for the program.
  4. Students returning to the clinical following a major illness or maternity leave must provide written documentation from their physician stating that they may be involved in all clinical activities with no physical restrictions.
  5. Requirements stated in the catalog at the time of admission or readmission to a Health Career program must be met for graduation.
  6. Allied Health students are required to earn a grade of "C" or higher in all general education courses.


(for students who withdrew, are repeating a course or were terminated prior to program completion)

  1. All students seeking readmission should submit a completed "Request for Readmission to a Health Career program" form to the Health Careers Information Specialist no later than 30 days prior to the start of the semester in which they seek readmission. Forms may be requested from the Health Careers Information Specialist Office.
  2. All students applying for readmission will be evaluated by the Program Chairperson and upon successful completion, readmitted depending on the availability of seats or clinical spaces after currently enrolled students have been placed.
  3. Any student who has withdrawn ("W") and/or was terminated from any Health Careers course will be subject to individual review of academic performance by the program Admission Committee prior to granting permission to register for the same course. Specific policies may differ by program.
  4. Students seeking readmission into Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Ophthalmic Technician, Radiologic Technology and Surgical Technology who for any reason have not taken any program specific courses in the two years prior to the readmission date, will be required to retake all previously completed program specific course requirements. A student may only re-enter a Health Career program one time.
  5. Students seeking readmission who have progressed in the program must meet the admission requirements for the semester for which they are readmitted. If more than one semester has elapsed since a student has been in a clinical rotation, he/she must demonstrate proficiency prior to readmission. The program reserves the right to assess the student’s level of knowledge in order to ensure current competency (including lab, lecture and clinical content).

Selective Requirements for Nursing

The Nursing program has selective admission policies. Specific admission, progression, retention and graduation requirements and/or policies supersede general college policies in the catalog and student handbook.

Admission procedure for Associate Degree Nursing Program:

  1. Students are strongly encouraged to attend an information session to learn more about the Nursing program.
  2. On admission to the college, take the college placement exams. The college placement test is mandatory for all new students enrolling in credit courses, except when college transcripts show successful completion of Math and English courses. Admission is based on acceptable placement scores.
  3. Meet with an advisor and register for prerequisite classes or general education courses. Students are expected to seek advising to develop an Academic Plan of coursework for each semester. All Math, Science and Allied Health prerequisite courses require a grade of "C" or higher within 5 years of the start of the program.
  4. Students must complete program prerequisites before seeking admission into the nursing program.
  5. Students may take program gen-ed requirements prior to program entry:
    • First year program gen-ed requirements are: EDU 206◊, Anatomy & Physiology II, (BIS 137◊ or BIS 241◊). BIS 136◊ and BIS 137◊ have been developed for health career students. Students may substitute BIS 240◊ and BIS 241◊, but must complete both courses within the same sequence.
    • Students entering program within eight months of high school graduation may enroll in BIS 136◊ or BIS 240◊ concurrent with first semester Nursing courses.
    • Second year program gen-ed requirements: BIS 222◊, SOC 100◊, SPE 101◊, and three credits of Humanities. Students are required to achieve a satisfactory score on a standardized comprehensive Nursing exam prior to graduation with an A.A.S. degree.
  6. Complete the application for admission to the Nursing program online.
  7. Submit official transcript of high school graduation or GED certificate and official transcripts of completed college coursework, if applicable. Students with foreign transcripts must have them evaluated by an independent credentialing agency before submitting them to the college Record's Department.
  8. Nursing is a selective admission program with applicants being evaluated and considered according to the following deadlines, September 15th for the spring and January 15th for fall admission.
  9. Receive an acceptance letter from the Health Careers Information Specialist. The Nursing Admission Committee has established criteria for program acceptance:
    • Admission is determined by a point system based on GPA for college level program prerequisite courses;
    • a nursing pre-entrance test; and
    • previous academic history.
  10. If accepted, attend the Nursing Program new student orientation and registration session.
  11. Submit a completed physician's history and physical form with required documentation of functional physical condition and required immunizations, proof of current BLS for Healthcare Providers and valid health insurance to the Clinical Education Nursing Coordinator prior to the first clinical course. Continued health insurance coverage and documentation of valid health status is the responsibility of the student and must be maintained throughout the period of enrollment in the Nursing program. Students are responsible for any incurred medical expenses. Additional requirements may be needed to comply with clinical agency policies.

Note: Any applicant to the clinical portions of Health Career programs who is afflicted with epilepsy or any other condition that causes loss of consciousness or otherwise may impair his/her ability to perform will furnish the Office of the Dean of Health Careers with a verified statement from a licensed physician to the effect that the applicant’s condition does not pose a direct health or safety threat or significant risk to the student, patients, hospital staff or others in the Health Career program or clinical facility. In addition, the applicant will agree to remain under the care of a physician and follow treatment as prescribed. Furthermore, each applicant's physician must report immediately to the College any change in the applicant's ability to function safely in the clinical portion of the program. Any default in this agreement will constitute cause for the removal of the student from the clinical portion of the program.

Progression and Retention

  1. A grade-point average of 2.0 is required for progression in all programs.
  2. All Nursing courses must be passed with a grade of "C" or higher. All clinical or lab components of clinical courses must be completed with a passing grade of satisfactory.
  3. Students returning to the clinical following a major illness or maternity leave must provide written documentation from their physician stating they may be involved in all clinical activities with no physical restrictions.
  4. Requirements stated in the catalog at the time of admission or readmission to the Nursing Program must be met for graduation.


  1. A student may withdraw from a NUR course consistent with the College Calendar withdrawal dates.
  2. A written notice of withdrawal is required when the student desires to drop the class. Failure by the student to complete a withdrawal form or to request withdrawal in writing may result in an "F" grade for the course.
  3. Students admitted to the ADN program are allowed to repeat only one course in each of the 100- and 200-levels of the nursing program following withdrawal or earning a failing course grade ("D" or "F"). At the point the student withdraws from a course, if they are passing the course with a "C" / 78% or higher it will not be considered as a course failure and may be repeated without penalty Withdrawal from a nursing course with a grade below "C" will be considered a course failure. Withdrawals from a nursing course are limited to one (1) per course without penalty. All withdrawals must be completed according to the withdrawal dates designated by the college. After this withdrawal date you will receive the grade earned at the end of the course.
  4. Students achieving a D, F or W in any nursing course and who are seeking readmission will submit a Request for Readmission form to the AD Nursing Office 30 days prior to the semester for which readmission is sought. The form is available in H-203. The student will specifically delineate the activities he/she will undertake to increase likelihood for success upon readmission into the program. The student will develop a remediation plan in collaboration with the nursing department prior to being considered for readmission.
  5. Students seeking readmission into the first semester may be considered pending availability of seats.
  6. Readmission to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester NUR courses will be permitted based on availability of seats only after continuing students have registered.
  7. Students seeking readmission, must meet all program and course prerequisites, and will be considered for available seats according to performance in previous NUR courses and the remediation plan submitted to Admissions Committee. Readmission students must demonstrate current proficiency of skills completed in prior NUR courses before enrolling in the course to be repeated, except NUR 130◊.
  8. The student must complete the program of learning within 5 years of initial admission into NUR 106.

Selective Requirements for Allied Health and Nursing

Admission procedure for Allied Health programs:

  1. Students are strongly encouraged to attend an information session to learn more about specific programs.
  2. Complete the application for general admission online. Applicants will receive a general acceptance letter from Director of Admissions, this is not a letter of acceptance to the Allied Health programs. In addition, to the Triton College application, a student is required to complete an application for each Allied Health program he/she is applying to.
  3. Submit official transcript of high school graduation or GED certificate and official transcripts of completed college coursework, if applicable. Students with foreign transcripts must have them evaluated by an independent credentialing agency before submitting them to the college Record's department.
  4. Take the college placement exams. The college placement test is mandatory for new students enrolling in credit courses, except when college transcripts show successful completion of Math and English courses. Each program determines their own acceptable placement scores.
  5. Complete the New Student Orientation - mandatory for all new students. If online orientation completed, the student must meet with a counselor to register for classes.
  6. Meet with an advisor and register for prerequisite classes. Students may complete program prerequisites and general education requirements before seeking admission into Allied Health programs. Students are expected to seek advising to develop an Academic Plan of coursework for each semester. All Math, Science and Allied Health prerequisite courses require a grade of "C" or higher within 5 years of the start of the program.
  7. Admission selection is based upon successful completion of prerequisite courses, as well as additional coursework towards the A.A.S. degree or certificate.
  8. Selective enrollment programs have implemented rolling admission with applicants being evaluated and considered according to the following deadlines: September 15th, January 15th, March 15th, and June 1st, only if seats remain available for fall admission.
  9. Receive acceptance letter or denial letter from the Health Careers Information Specialist for the specific program chosen. The Admission Committee of each program establishes criteria for program acceptance. Admission is based on completion of program prerequisites, when required, and ranking on a rating scale. Points are given for grades in completed coursework for prerequisites and general education. Minimum cumulative Grade Point Averages are established by each program.
  10. Attend the program-specific Allied Health orientation and registration session.
  11. Submit a completed physician's history and physical form with required documentation of functional physical condition and required immunizations, and proof of active BLS for Healthcare Providers and a valid health insurance to the appropriate Department Chairperson prior to the first clinical course. Continued health insurance coverage and documentation of valid health status is the responsibility of the student and must be maintained throughout the period of enrollment in any Health Career Program. Students are responsible for any incurred medical expenses. Additional requirements may be needed to comply with clinical agency policies.

Note: Any applicant to the clinical portions of Health Career programs who is afflicted with epilepsy or any other condition that causes loss of consciousness or otherwise may impair his/her ability to perform will furnish the Office of the Dean of Health Careers with a verified statement from a licensed physician to the effect that the applicant’s condition does not pose a direct health or safety threat or significant risk to the student, patients, hospital staff or others in the Health Career program or clinical facility. In addition, the applicant will agree to remain under the care of a physician and follow treatment as prescribed. Furthermore, each applicant’s physician must report immediately to the College any change in the applicant’s ability to function safely in the clinical portion of the program. Any default in this agreement will constitute cause for the removal of the student from the clinical portion of the program.

Advanced Placement

The Admission Committee of the specific program, using established program criteria, will evaluate requests for advanced placement on an individual basis.

Progression and Retention

  1. A grade-point average of 2.0 is required for progression in all programs.
  2. A "C" grade or higher within the last five years is required for progression in all required Science, Math and major Health Career courses to count towards graduation requirements.
  3. All clinical components or clinical courses must be completed with a minimum grade of "P," "C" or "S," dependent on the grading system used for the program.
  4. Students returning to the clinical following a major illness or maternity leave must provide written documentation from their physician stating that they may be involved in all clinical activities with no physical restrictions.
  5. Requirements stated in the catalog at the time of admission or readmission to a Health Career program must be met for graduation.
  6. Allied Health students are required to earn a grade of "C" or higher in all general education courses.


(for students who withdrew, are repeating a course or were terminated prior to program completion)

  1. All students seeking readmission should submit a completed "Request for Readmission to a Health Career program" form to the Health Careers Information Specialist no later than 30 days prior to the start of the semester in which they seek readmission. Forms may be requested from the Health Careers Information Specialist Office.
  2. All students applying for readmission will be evaluated by the Program Chairperson and upon successful completion, readmitted depending on the availability of seats or clinical spaces after currently enrolled students have been placed.
  3. Any student who has withdrawn ("W") and/or was terminated from any Health Careers course will be subject to individual review of academic performance by the program Admission Committee prior to granting permission to register for the same course. Specific policies may differ by program.
  4. Students seeking readmission into Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Ophthalmic Technician, Radiologic Technology and Surgical Technology who for any reason have not taken any program specific courses in the two years prior to the readmission date, will be required to retake all previously completed program specific course requirements. A student may only re-enter a Health Career program one time.
  5. Students seeking readmission who have progressed in the program must meet the admission requirements for the semester for which they are readmitted. If more than one semester has elapsed since a student has been in a clinical rotation, he/she must demonstrate proficiency prior to readmission. The program reserves the right to assess the student’s level of knowledge in order to ensure current competency (including lab, lecture and clinical content).

Selective Requirements for Nursing

The Nursing program has selective admission policies. Specific admission, progression, retention and graduation requirements and/or policies supersede general college policies in the catalog and student handbook.

Admission procedure for Associate Degree Nursing Program:

  1. Students are strongly encouraged to attend an information session to learn more about the Nursing program.
  2. On admission to the college, take the college placement exams. The college placement test is mandatory for all new students enrolling in credit courses, except when college transcripts show successful completion of Math and English courses. Admission is based on acceptable placement scores.
  3. Meet with an advisor and register for prerequisite classes or general education courses. Students are expected to seek advising to develop an Academic Plan of coursework for each semester. All Math, Science and Allied Health prerequisite courses require a grade of "C" or higher within 5 years of the start of the program.
  4. Students must complete program prerequisites before seeking admission into the nursing program.
  5. Students may take program gen-ed requirements prior to program entry:
    • First year program gen-ed requirements are: EDU 206◊, Anatomy & Physiology II, (BIS 137◊ or BIS 241◊). BIS 136◊ and BIS 137◊ have been developed for health career students. Students may substitute BIS 240◊ and BIS 241◊, but must complete both courses within the same sequence.
    • Students entering program within eight months of high school graduation may enroll in BIS 136◊ or BIS 240◊ concurrent with first semester Nursing courses.
    • Second year program gen-ed requirements: BIS 222◊, SOC 100◊, SPE 101◊, and three credits of Humanities. Students are required to achieve a satisfactory score on a standardized comprehensive Nursing exam prior to graduation with an A.A.S. degree.
  6. Complete the application for admission to the Nursing program online.
  7. Submit official transcript of high school graduation or GED certificate and official transcripts of completed college coursework, if applicable. Students with foreign transcripts must have them evaluated by an independent credentialing agency before submitting them to the college Record's Department.
  8. Nursing is a selective admission program with applicants being evaluated and considered according to the following deadlines, September 15th for the spring and January 15th for fall admission.
  9. Receive an acceptance letter from the Health Careers Information Specialist. The Nursing Admission Committee has established criteria for program acceptance:
    • Admission is determined by a point system based on GPA for college level program prerequisite courses;
    • a nursing pre-entrance test; and
    • previous academic history.
  10. If accepted, attend the Nursing Program new student orientation and registration session.
  11. Submit a completed physician's history and physical form with required documentation of functional physical condition and required immunizations, proof of current BLS for Healthcare Providers and valid health insurance to the Clinical Education Nursing Coordinator prior to the first clinical course. Continued health insurance coverage and documentation of valid health status is the responsibility of the student and must be maintained throughout the period of enrollment in the Nursing program. Students are responsible for any incurred medical expenses. Additional requirements may be needed to comply with clinical agency policies.

Note: Any applicant to the clinical portions of Health Career programs who is afflicted with epilepsy or any other condition that causes loss of consciousness or otherwise may impair his/her ability to perform will furnish the Office of the Dean of Health Careers with a verified statement from a licensed physician to the effect that the applicant’s condition does not pose a direct health or safety threat or significant risk to the student, patients, hospital staff or others in the Health Career program or clinical facility. In addition, the applicant will agree to remain under the care of a physician and follow treatment as prescribed. Furthermore, each applicant's physician must report immediately to the College any change in the applicant's ability to function safely in the clinical portion of the program. Any default in this agreement will constitute cause for the removal of the student from the clinical portion of the program.

Progression and Retention

  1. A grade-point average of 2.0 is required for progression in all programs.
  2. All Nursing courses must be passed with a grade of "C" or higher. All clinical or lab components of clinical courses must be completed with a passing grade of satisfactory.
  3. Students returning to the clinical following a major illness or maternity leave must provide written documentation from their physician stating they may be involved in all clinical activities with no physical restrictions.
  4. Requirements stated in the catalog at the time of admission or readmission to the Nursing Program must be met for graduation.


  1. A student may withdraw from a NUR course consistent with the College Calendar withdrawal dates.
  2. A written notice of withdrawal is required when the student desires to drop the class. Failure by the student to complete a withdrawal form or to request withdrawal in writing may result in an "F" grade for the course.
  3. Students admitted to the ADN program are allowed to repeat only one course in each of the 100- and 200-levels of the nursing program following withdrawal or earning a failing course grade ("D" or "F"). At the point the student withdraws from a course, if they are passing the course with a "C" / 78% or higher it will not be considered as a course failure and may be repeated without penalty Withdrawal from a nursing course with a grade below "C" will be considered a course failure. Withdrawals from a nursing course are limited to one (1) per course without penalty. All withdrawals must be completed according to the withdrawal dates designated by the college. After this withdrawal date you will receive the grade earned at the end of the course.
  4. Students achieving a D, F or W in any nursing course and who are seeking readmission will submit a Request for Readmission form to the AD Nursing Office 30 days prior to the semester for which readmission is sought. The form is available in H-203. The student will specifically delineate the activities he/she will undertake to increase likelihood for success upon readmission into the program. The student will develop a remediation plan in collaboration with the nursing department prior to being considered for readmission.
  5. Students seeking readmission into the first semester may be considered pending availability of seats.
  6. Readmission to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th semester NUR courses will be permitted based on availability of seats only after continuing students have registered.
  7. Students seeking readmission, must meet all program and course prerequisites, and will be considered for available seats according to performance in previous NUR courses and the remediation plan submitted to Admissions Committee. Readmission students must demonstrate current proficiency of skills completed in prior NUR courses before enrolling in the course to be repeated, except NUR 130◊.
  8. The student must complete the program of learning within 5 years of initial admission into NUR 106.