Emergency Management Certificate

Curriculum EMP.EMP.CERT (C344A)

Designed to prepare students to enter the profession of emergency management. An emphasis is placed on developing academic, technical and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition, retention and advancement. The skills obtained through the certificate program prepares the students to enter emergency management positions in government agencies, private corporations and industry and education or health care institutions.

Semester One

EMP 111 Principles of Emergency Management & Planning

2 credits

EMP 121 Introduction to Mitigation

1 credit

EMP 131 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management and Operations

1 credit

EMP 141 Basic Public Information Officers (PIO)

2 credits

EMP 151 Resource Management

1 credit

EMP 161 Disaster Response/Recovery Operations & RAPID Assessment

3 credits

FIR 101 National Incident Management System (NIMS)

1 credit

Total Semester Credits:11

Semester Two

EMP 112 # Emergency Management Operation

2 credits

EMP 122 # Mitigation for Emergency Workers

2 credits

EMP 132 # Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface

1 credit

FIR 102 Basic ICS and Application Towards Single Resource & Initial Action Incidents

1 credit

Total Semester Credits:6

Semester Three

EMP 221 The Role of Volunteer Agencies in Emergency Management

1 credit

EMP 231 An Orientation to Community Disaster Exercises

1 credit

EMP 241 Hazardous Weather and Flood Preparedness

1 credit

Total Semester Credits:3

Semester Four

EMP 113 Emergency Planning & Special Needs Populations

2 credits

EMP 201 Debris Management

2 credits

EMP 222 # Developing Volunteer Resources

1 credit

EMP 232 # Exercise Design

1 credit

EMP 243 # Hazardous Weather, Flooding & Hurricane Planning

2 credits

Total Semester Credits:8

Semester Five

EMP 211 # Basic Skills in Emergency Program Management

3 credits

EMP 223 # Donations Management

1 credit

EMP 233 # Exercise Program Manager-Management Course

2 credits

EMP 242 # Warning Coordination & Maintaining Spotter Groups

2 credits

Total Semester Credits:8

Total Credit Hours: 36

Note: A minimum grade of "C" is required for each EMP course.

See EMP course descriptions.

Coordinator: William Justiz, Ext. 3653

Gainful Employment

The information provided in the link below is available to assist students in making informed choices about their education and career.


For more information about Gainful Employment, visit the Triton College Financial Aid Office, located in the Student Center Building, Room B-160, or send an email to: finaid@triton.edu.