HCA 470 Negotiations & Problem Solving

Negotiation and conflict resolution are becoming more important in organizations today. In the past, you probably would use negotiation and conflict resolution skills only if your job entailed formal dealings with unions, suppliers and customers or as a financial deal maker. In other words, negotiation was a skill needed only by people that did it for a living. All that has changed in organizations today. If you analzye an organization through a political lens all interactions are basically negotiations. That means that as a leader, at whatever level, you are frequently operating in a situation where your responsibility exceeds your authority. You will need to negotiate with a range of internal and external stakeholders in order to get your job done. In network and team structures, you are but one voice among many. To get your agenda accomplished, you will need to negotiate to build alliances amond different stakeholders and constituencies. As organizations become more diverse demographically and culturally, the potential for conflict increases, requiring even more attention to ways of dealing with it. And in these challenging times, the need to negotiate resources and support for yourself and your group becomes even more critical.




MBAH-455 or GSM-455