Master of Science in Education: Special Education, Moderate and Severe Disabilities


The Simmons graduate program for Massachusetts state licensure in moderate disabilities (PreK-8 or 5-12) is designed to prepare teachers to provide direct service to learners in inclusive classrooms. Traditionally, learners with moderate disabilities have received educational services within resource rooms or substantially separate classes in 603 CMR approved public or private schools. The philosophy of all Simmons graduate programs in special education is grounded in the principles of inclusion – that all individuals can learn and that they have the right to do so in a classroom within their own community and with learners their own age. This program provides the skills and strategies to work with learners with moderate disabilities in a variety of settings.
The severe disabilities program provides preparation for initial licensure in teaching learners with severe disabilities (PreK-12). Coursework and related practicum experiences prepare teachers to work in a variety of settings, including special education classes in public schools, as well as private residential or day schools. Students are prepared to teach in all core general education curriculum areas, as well as communication, social behavior, job competency, and life skills.


Learning Outcomes

Simmons’s Master of Science in Education addresses the Massachusetts Department of Education’s standards for Subject Matter Knowledge and Professional Standards for Teachers.


Requirements for entry into program

Must have a Bachelors of Art or a Bachelor’s of Science and MTEL score report or confirmation of registration for upcoming MTEL (Communication & Literacy or General Curriculum exam).
Applicants must hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. All grade point averages are considered, but a B (3.0) average or higher is preferred. 


Delivery Modes Available 

The program offers both full-time and part-time attendance options.


Degree Requirements


  • M.S.Ed in Moderate Disabilities: 48 credits
  • M.S.Ed in Severe Disabilities: 46 credits
  • Non-licensure program: 40 credits

Moderate Special Needs (Pre K-8 or 5-12)

SPND 446Learners with Special Needs


GEDUC 467Math for the Elementary Classroom


TESL 417Sheltered English Instruction


GEDUC 430Inclusive Lesson Planning


GEDUC 445Educational Psychology


GEDUC 464Reading & Language Arts for the Elementary Classroom


GEDUC 461Social Studies, Science & the Arts For the Elementary Classroom


SPND 441Classroom Management for Learners With Needs in Inclusive Settings


SPND 436Formal & Informal Assessment


SPND 420Introduction to Assistive Technology


SPND 444Special Education Laws & Regulations For Teachers & Administrators



SPND 445Individualized Education Program: Strategies for Development, Interpretation & Implementation


SPND 487Seminar


SPND 438Practicum: Moderate Disabilities (PreK-8)



SPND 439Practicum: Moderate Disabilities (5-12)


SPND 488Seminar & Fieldwork in Education




Severe Special Needs (All Levels)

RDG 410Multisensory Structured Language Strategies for Reading


SPND 467Practicum: Severe


SPND 415Applied Research I


SPND 420Introduction to Assistive Technology


SPND 442Analysis of Behavior: Principles and Classroom Applications


SPND 444Special Education Laws & Regulations For Teachers & Administrators


SPND 445Individualized Education Program: Strategies for Development, Interpretation & Implementation


SPND 446Learners with Special Needs


SPND 447Assessment and Curriculum Modification And Development for Learners With Severe Disabilities


SPND 448Foundations of Transition Education & Services


GEDUC 430Inclusive Lesson Planning


TESL 417Sheltered English Instruction


SPND 467Practicum: Severe


SPND 487Seminar


SPND 468Practicum: Severe Disabilities (Levels: All)


SPND 488Seminar & Fieldwork in Education



All students are assigned to a yearlong, full-time teaching practicum in a school setting. This extensive classroom experience allows students to develop the skills, competencies, and confidence for successful teaching, including strategies for inclusion, behavior management, social skill instruction, and modifying classroom instruction. Students also benefit from the supervision and mentorship of experienced practitioners and field supervisors — many of whom are Simmons alumni. In many cases, we have been able to assist student interns in securing paid internships or paraprofessional positions in the school or district where they complete their practicum hours.

We place students in a wide variety of schools and communities, including public school districts, charter schools, private institutions, and educational collaboratives.



Our MSEd programs in Special Education are approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and lead to initial teaching licensure in the following fields and grade levels:

  • Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities (Grades PreK-8 OR 5-12)
  • Teacher of Students with Severe Disabilities (All grade levels)

Teacher candidates prepared at Simmons may take advantage of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement, which allows teachers prepared through a Massachusetts approved program to earn an equivalent license in another state or the District of Columbia, pending completion of any state-specific prerequisites for the license.


Other program information

Simmons-trained teachers achieve exceptional job placement rates, and the demand for licensed special educators continues to grow. As reported in the annual U.S. Department of Education’s Teacher Shortage Area list, Special Education is now identified as a high need area in every New England state and throughout much of the country.