2022-2023 Graduate Catalog

Mutual Responsibilities of Faculty and Students

Sacred Heart University faculty have an ethical and professional obligation to take the following steps to promote academic integrity among students:

  • Refer on course syllabi to the University’s policy on academic integrity and any additional College- or program-specific policies.
  • Reinforce these expectations and consequences when designing assignments and explaining exams, especially in Colleges and programs that have more specific guidelines.
  • Model and, where appropriate, teach students those scholarly practices that embody academic integrity.
  • Abide by this policy on academic integrity, including its reporting requirements.

Sacred Heart University students have the ethical obligation to take these steps to promote academic integrity among their peers:

  • Act with integrity in all their coursework.
  • Abide by this policy on academic integrity and any policies established by their professors and the department in which they are majoring.
  • Refuse to share materials with peers for the purpose of cheating, or that they believe will be used for cheating.
  • Take care with their own papers, tests, computer files, etc., lest these be stolen or appropriated by others.
  • Notify the professor of a course if they become aware that any form of cheating or plagiarism has occurred.

Such notification is not dishonorable but maintains an academic environment in which all students are evaluated fairly for their work; it may also protect a student from a charge of dishonesty (if, for instance, the student’s work was appropriated by another).