2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Support Services

The Student Success Center is SHU’s central academic support service and is open to all SHU students. Our mission is to provide academic support to strengthen student learning and empower every student to develop as self-directed and lifelong learners. The Success Center offers students at every academic level an opportunity to improve their content area knowledge and develop academic skills needed to succeed in their coursework. Operated by highly experienced staff, we offer faculty, graduate, and peer tutors in disciplines across the curriculum. It is a warm, friendly learning environment that fosters the growth of self-directed learning. Success Center offers the following support services free of charge to all SHU students:

• Individualized tutoring in many disciplines provided by faculty, graduate, and peer tutors (by appointment);

• Classroom Learning Assistants (CLAs), who are peer tutors nominated by faculty to provide academic support to students in disciplines across the curriculum;

• Workshops on college-level study skills such as note-taking, time management, test-taking, critical reading and writing, oral presentations, and math concepts and problem solving; 

• Online Writing Lab (OWL) for online feedback with written assignments, and

• 1-on-1 Academic Coaching