Student Service Fees (2015-2016)

Application Fee $30*
Credit by Experience (Prior Learning) 40% of credit cost
Accident Insurance $15/year* +
Drop Fee $5*
Deferred Payment Fee $30*
Deferred Payment Late Fee $15*
Dishonored Check Fee $30*
Library Fine varies*
Transcript Fee $5* each
Document Fee $5* each
Graduation and Alumni Fee $30*
Bus Pass (TOR) $60*
Technology Fee $8 per credit
Readmit fee $5*
Identification Card Replacement Fee $5*

Books and Supplies

Full-Time (15 - 16 credit hour load) approx. $650
Part-Time (7 – 8 credit hour load) approx. $350
Program Related Fees (2010-2011)
Applied Music Fee – MUS 261 $450 per course
Applied Music Fee – MUS 262 $750 per course
Food Services Supplies varies
Computer Fee $25 per course
Laboratory Fee $25-$200** per course
Learning Contract (audited courses) $25 per course
Malpractice Insurance varies*
Photography Lab/Art $25 per course
Distance Learning $20 per course
Tutorial Fee $25 per course

+ Required of full-time students: optional to part time students

* Non-refundable

** As noted in the Schedule of Classes